Friday, April 3, 2020

Babies and Children who never knew there is a sun in a blue sky Lawsuit: 1,000+ Children Sexually Abused in State Institutions in Michigan

Babies and Children who never knew there is a sun in a blue sky Lawsuit: 1,000+ Children Sexually Abused in State Institutions in Michigan

Babies and Children who never knew there is a sun in a blue sky

The more we learn about those who have been mining our planet, the more dark it becomes. Who ever thought anyone was mining Humanity; even removing millions of us from the planet to be used as off-world slaves or lab specimens? This is what I imagine their story might be.
Imagine Humans “grown in a lab” like a rat for the sex trafficking trade or other even more lurid purposes. Cultured pearls are treated with more care and respect.
Imagine babies and children who never knew there is a sun in a blue sky; some who never learned to speak; who were tortured, repeatedly shocked, traumatized, treated as less than cattle.
They probably never heard music or saw a painting. They never rolled in the grass.  They never petted a puppy. They never felt loved, and they never laughed.

Lawsuit: 1,000+ Children Sexually Abused in State Institutions in Michigan

 walking into those pitch black tunnels, not knowing what was ahead, and tenderly removing those pathetic creatures from their tomb and bringing them into the light and a nourishing environment. How frightening that would be… their misshapen little bodies contorted from permanent incarceration and lack of movement in a small cage with atrophied muscles and tendons and emaciated skeletons.

Lawsuit: 1,000+ Children Sexually Abused in State Institutions in Michigan

Unless you’re new, by now you may have linked the “coincidental” features of the current coronavirus situation in California and New York and the presence of the two Navy hospital ships there; the Comfort and the Mercy, and their “sanctuary state” status, with the prevalence of underground tunnels in those areas and the number of sealed indictments waiting to be opened and acted upon. The other high indictment state was Texas.
Maybe things are heating up there now. QAnon said it would be a “hot spring/summer”. Curfews extended by city council… perhaps to keep people unaware of activities planned for that area? It just might spread to a lot of other areas.

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