Friday, December 16, 2016


Most people around the world today have heard of the "New World Order" and the "Illuminati" -- a secret band of mostly men who are supposed to "control" the world. So what does the New World Order, the Vatican-Jesuits and the largest pentagram of evil in history have to do with one another? It is the New World Order -- and no other force -- that caused the recent crashes in financial markets and now the inevitable avalanche of unemployed, homeless and hungry. The plan is not new - nor is its final destination - and entirely predictable, simply by caring to read a true history of the world over the past eighty years. At stake is not merely some argument of personal views, but our future --the future of our families, our nations and this planet. At stake is nothing less than the final outcome of World War III -- a spectre of such evil this planet may never see again involving the deliberate detonation of multiple thermonuclear bombs within specific major capital cities of the world including: probably beginning in a city in the United States so named for such a "Holocaust" like Los Angeles (city of angels), Phoenix (mythical spirit, burnt in a Holocaust) and ending with Tehran. While Terrorists will be blamed, the hand that unleashes the order will be the same -- the New World Order -- and the consequences of such awful disaster --the deliberate burning to death via nuclear blasts of millions of people -- will cause such outrage, hatred and anger that few major cities of the Islamic world will survive. This is not some horrible vision of armageddon as imagined by English author George Orwell (1903-1950) who in 1949 published the manifesto Nineteen Eighty-Four and the word "New World Order". It is real. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance to review the circumstances leading to this increasingly probable conclusion --who is behind the NWO? When did it first start? why? what are their weaknesses and how may they be finally revealed and defeated? The passionate skeptics Before introducing further clear and irrefutable proof as to the direct link between the Vatican-Jesuits and the creation of the New World Order in 1942, it is important to acknowledge the fact that after many have read Part I, Part II and then Part III of the Vatican Holocaust they will remain passionate and committed skeptics. In spite of all the proof to the contrary that Eugenio Pacelli (Pope Pius XII) was a lifelong racist and anti semite, there are those who have penned such awful untruths to claim that he was a "friend" of the Jews and that he fought in his own way against the actions of his Catholic dictators in Germany, Spain, Italy, South France, Croatia, Argentina and Russia. There are those -- in spite of the unmistakable proof that mathematics provides -- that the Great Vatican-Jesuit Pentagram of Evil is a cruel hoax-- with the Nazi SS concentration camps suddenly appearing tens of miles from their original location to destroy the notion of a pentagram, including claims that some camps were merely labour camps. Then there will be readers -- for whatever motive -- that dedicate themselves to whitewashing the world of any historical record of the complicity of the Roman Catholic Church in witnessing and collaborating in mass acts of evil. Such clear evidence as declassified Top Secret WWII files that prove Pope Pius XII helped dozens of top Nazi and Catholic mass murderers to escape -- they will deny. In spite of the overwhelming proof that Pope Pius XII did absolutely nothing to stop the deportation directly to death camps of over 1100 innocent Roman Jews -- living in a ghetto not more than six hundred yards from his palace chambers --they will deny. In spite of the fact that hundreds of Catholic clergy are in prison for crimes against children including some directly involved in the Rwanda genocide -- they will deny. Instead, it is expected that over time, these passionate skeptics will rally and attempt in their own way to picks holes within these articles and manufacture counter evidence and/or blur the facts. It is therefore not the intent of these articles to respond to criticisms from these "passionate skeptics" concerning the complete involvement of the Roman Catholic Church in the Holocaust of World War II as well the recent Holocausts of the New World Order -- but to display some higher level of respect to the memories of so many millions of innocent people we all acknowledge have died in war and genocide. Their story deserves to be told, as does the reasons behind it. For in acknowledging the truth concerning the real personality of the Roman Cult that controls the Catholic Church and the Jesuits, we may just help ourselves avoid the largest mass murder of all. The Birth of the New World Order If you asked any teenager in an industrialized nation what is the "New World Order", they would almost certainly know what you are talking about and say something similar to "a group of people who control the world". This being said, for the majority of the world the NWO remains largely urban myth. For such a powerful and well known "urban myth", it is surprising how so few ask the obvious questions - "when did the NWO first start? and who were they? and why?" In the first instance, the brand "New World Order" only appeared publicly as a new idea with the publishing of the manifesto of George Orwell in 1949. Taking into account the time any global plans would take to be developed, if the NWO were a reality, then this brand formation could not have been first conceived any earlier than the early 1940's. It would be a mistake to consider applying the New World Order brand to the Jesuits and the Vatican prior to this period. Simply, there is no philosophical evidence of the brand existing prior to this date. A more appropriate title until this point for the same concept of a secret band of global controllers would be the brand called the "Illuminati". Like the brand and concept of "New World Order", the brand "Illuminati" has a history dating back to Jesuit Adam Weishaupt (1748-1830) who first coined the term Illuminati in the publication of his secret Jesuit manifestos concerning secret "cells" of Jesuit priests hidden in society and how to use this apparatus to overthrow governments. He is the father of the Secret Society of Terror Model from which all successful terrorist organizations from the French revolution to the 9/11 Hijackers are based. So how does the brand "Illuminati", the brand "New World Order" and the Great Vatican-Jesuit Pentagram of Evil all relate? The Great Pentagram of Evil and the Global Grid of Control of the New World Order The Great Vatican-Jesuit Pentagram of Evil is not the only Pentagram connecting to Rome. In fact, the Great Vatican-Jesuit Pentagram has a twin that also connects to the North Pole and Rome, formed at the same time by the same people who planned out the mass murder of of millions. Its foundation stone was layed on September 11 (9/11) 1941 and is why the Twin Towers in New York were destroyed on exactly the same day. It is the Pentagon Building of Washington DC. (Click image for enlargement of map) image (Click image for enlargement of map) image (Click image for enlargement of map) image (Click image for enlargement of map) image image The Jesuit Civil War (1942-1945) In 1941 aged 55, Count Wladimir Ledochowski -- Jesuit Superior General --was at the height of his supremecy, a fit and completely driven man. His army of Jesuit influentials had similarly reached great heights in all places held by Catholic Dictators as well as the United States. So why would a civil war between factions of the Jesuits break out at such a time? One of the great historical anomalies is the behaviour of both Adolf Hitler, Fr Himmler S.J. and Fr Joseph Stalin S.J. in the Nazi Russian Invasion. Contrary to spin historians, these men had not only shown ruthless pragmatism in managing power until this point, but were actively working together on a number of military and scientific fronts until the invasion. A frequent excuse given is that fiercly Catholic Hitler had become “drunk” with power and decided to invade Russia because he hated the Russians. But Hitler was a mere soldier, compared to Fr. Himmler S.J. the new Grand Inquisitor of the Roman Catholic Church and his massive army of assassins and torturers. Instead, it is much more certain that Jesuit Superior General Ledochowski instructed Himmler to push for the assault on the understanding this would complete a clean sweep of Catholic National Socialism over Catholic National Communism. Similarly, it is clear that Count Ledochowski said something in reverse to Fr Stalin S.J. – that this was the plan that would ultimately destroy Germany as Stalin’s behaviour against his own country and people was nothing other than treacherous. When Hitler invaded in June 1941, Fr Stalin -- against every other example of ruthless judgment to protect his own power -- seemingly invited for his troops to be slaughtered and defeated by refusing his generals to fully engage, then having the generals executed and then repeating the bizarre process almost up to Moscow. However, by the bleak Russian winter of December 1941, the jaws of the Jesuit Soviet Machine clamped down shut on the legs of the German Army. From this point on, the fate of the Nazi dream and power were sealed. For such a loyal German Jesuit as Fr Himmler S.J. such deliberate trickery by Ledochowski would have been devastating and unforgivable. The Jesuits had shifted their power away from Germany, France and Italy to America -- for the first time in the order's history. On December 13, 1942 (aged 56) Count Wladimir Ledochowski died suddenly --almost certainly murdered by the very best assassins of Fr. Himmler for his treachery in dooming the German-Swiss –French “Illuminati” Jesuits. Technically this act immediately plunged the Jesuits into Civil War. Unable to convene a General Congregation until the end of the War --when all Jesuits have permission to elect their leader --Vicar General Norbert de Boyne could not be made Superior General. This left the American Jesuits, led by Fr Edmund Walsh S.J. free to pursue their agenda along with other international factions. The German-Swiss-Italian-French Jesuits during the war headed by Fr Heinrich Himmler S.J. represented the “Illuminati” – the old guard who had been betrayed by their slain leader Fr Ledochowski S.J. The other camp representing the new guard, the “New World Order” headed by the American-Canadian Jesuits and allies along with English and even Australian Jesuits. Midst the two warring camps of Jesuits were "neutral" provinces such as the Netherlands and Spain, still battling for its survival against the popularity of the Vatican sponsored Opus Dei Mary (Mari) Spanish Satanic devotion cult. It is during this event, in which unprecedented number of Jesuits were killed that the plan for the New World Order was hatched by senior Jesuits such as American Fr Edmund Walsh S.J. The plan was confirmed by the Jesuit officials that accompanied each of the world leaders of Roosevelt, Fr Stalin S.J. and Churchill to the conference at Tehran in December 1943. A location that just happens to be directly on the Lodz-Janowska "Ley line" of human sacrifice camps of the Great Vatican-Jesuit Pentagram of Evil. It is there we see for the first time the unveiling of the public face of the New World Order – an order of opposing “friends” and ideologies- capitalism vs communism, but all ultimately financed and directed from the same machine. Who is in control The Illuminati? Or the New World Order? One of the frequent debates on forums and blogs around the Internet is who is really in control? Some call them the “Illuminati” – the term first coined by Jesuit Adam Weishaupt in 1776 in direct opposition to the enlightenment movement in the colonies of the United States of America and the Declaration of Independence. Others call them the New World Order- after the manifesto of Jesuit influenced George Orwell in 1949. It is important then to make sense of both the differences and similarities of these brands given what we have now discussed concerning the Jesuit Civil War of 1942 to 1945. What marks the war of the Jesuits is not only a power struggle between the “Old World”, the Illuminati world and the “New World Order”, but the accompanying war of ideas- that knowledge outranks blood. The Papal and Royal bloodline families have always favoured the belief that wisdom and power is born through blood. These bloodline families can be traced between current monarchies back to the time of Charlemagne and even earlier. But at the heart of their system is the secret knowledge that these bloodlines also contain High Priest and important spiritual lines of superior heritage. It is why they claim inheritance by blood. In contrast, the Jesuits show a devotion to knowledge and most particularly “secret” knowledge of things. They appear to worship the belief that through secret knowledge and total devotion to the cause a man may discover ultimate knowledge and power. While both belief systems are to be found imprinted on the face of western history for centuries, there also exists a third belief and power system rarely divulged—a bloodline that carries within their veins both superior blood and hidden knowledge. In the early centuries they were called the Desposynoi- the family of the Christ. Later we have become to know them as the stories and myths of the Da Vinci Code – that important bloodlines may exist that hold both the right of blood and knowledge that could help us. However, there is little public and credible evidence to suggest that such ancient bloodlines of spiritual wisdom continue to exist, except possibly Ireland through ancient Holly bloodlines. The eventual truce in the civil war of the Jesuits came in the form of a compromise of power- the New World Order is in fact a very clear and precise six (6) level pyramid of power. Jesuit Factions of the Jesuit Order Black Pope- Jesuit Superior General Jesuit Order and Financial, Corporate and Military Apparatus Re-constituted Illuminati Families (under the structure of the New World Order) Holy See (with Pope as its head) United Nations image It would be incorrect to say that the Black Pope is the most powerful person on planet Earth. Since 1945, the role has been largely symbolic and held by a candidate from a neutral country between the main factions of the Jesuit Civil War. As such, the role has been dominated by both Dutch and Spanish candidates. The most powerful force within the New World Order is unquestionable the Provincial Generals of the Order- the most senior factional leaders of the Jesuits who continue to hold a truce since 1945. While the Superior General can technically give absolute orders to his provincials, in practice it has been the other way around for over sixty years. Then we come to the third layer being the Financial-Military Apparatus which few people who believe in the existence of the New World Order would argue. However, few have ever heard of the real foundation of the global financial system in the early 19th Century using Jesuit controlled gold stolen from the Vatican during the Jesuit-Papal Wars to fund an army of private banks in Europe and the United States. Then we come to the fourth layer of the New World Order apparatus being the reconstituted “Illuminati” families from the United States, Europe and even Asia/Middle East. They have no control over the Jesuits, nor do they wish to challenge them in any way as their various positions from Royal families, occasional Presidents, Prime Ministers and global leaders is dependent upon the favourable patronage of the Jesuits. The fifth layer of the New World Order apparatus is the Holy See. Contrary to common misinformation, the role of Pope is now of secondary importance to the legal apparatus of the Holy See --The Holy See, being the legal framework that claims Vatican superiority over all other laws of man as well as complete dominion over animals (humans being classed as animals by their laws). It is the papacy and Vatican curia that in recent years has waged and increasing PR war in revealing more and more of the New World Order apparatus against the Jesuits. The sixth layer is the United Nations and legal apparatus which recognizes the Holy See as a legitimate state and entity, therefore its laws, therefore every national laws as subservient to the United Nations. (Secret) Knowledge is Power The evidence of who won the Jesuit Civil War is all around us. Universities have blossomed. Science discovery has accelerated and knowledge is universally accepted as power—the power of imagination and the era of the United States. The New World Order won the Civil War and remain firmly in control. In terms of key satanic knowledge that relates to their power, the secret knowledge of the Great Vatican-Jesuit Pentagram of Evil is very important knowledge, forgotten by many. So too, is the clear and unmistakable image “makeover” of evil from satan and “the devil” to Lucifer- or the spirit of Francis Borja personified as evil. It is why Borja ordered every church to ever be built by the Jesuits in following years to be constructed under strict codes of similar design—every Jesuit church was purpose built to be a readymade temple to Lucifer -- to the spirit of Francis Borja, the real founder of the Jesuits. Similarly, human sacrifice to the satanic gods became more sophisticated, starting with the atomic bombs on Japan. No longer did the New World Order Jesuits need massive and expensive human sacrifice camps to “burn” millions of victims, one tiny bomb could do it in seconds. One of the greatest criminal acts in history remains the executive order by President Truman to drop the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and disgraced Jesuit city Nagasaki in 1945 after receiving not one, but several official notices of surrender from the Japanese. Thus began the “modern” age of sacrifice to the satanic gods of the Vatican and Jesuits. St Moloch(y) and the most secret of knowledge Of all secret knowledge in possession of the most senior of Vatican officials and senior Jesuits it is the truth and accuracy of the prophecies and final prophecy of Moloch, the demon god – hidden in plain sight as St Molochy. Moloch, the supremely evil of all demon gods—the god of ultimate painful sacrifice – gave a clear and unmistakable last command to his faithful army on earth. The last sacrifice demanded by Moloch is for his followers to sacrifice themselves – that is the key riddle of the prophecies of St Malachy (Moloch) – the Vatican and Jesuits Satanists are demanded by their own gods at this time to sacrifice themselves, not us. The supremely evil last prophecy and command of Moloch is set to his timeline. One last Pope. Without a legitimate Pope holding the anointed authority of Moloch, the satanic system of power breaks down. It is why for the past one hundred years the Vatican-Jesuit Satanists have sacrificed so many people. They are desperate to repeal this prophecy- to offer one last great sacrifice – World War III – in the hope of redemption for the Holy Mother Church of all Evil- the Roman Catholic Church. Yet to date, no direct prophecy has been revealed that represents an authentic from Moloch for over one hundred years – except some recent work regarding a “Treaty of Lucifer”. No other reference to Moloch, or Ba’al/Cybele prophecy can be found that disputes this is the end of times for the Roman Catholic Church. The crisis of faith It is clear by the absurdity with which satanic images are displayed today as department store items of a "pop-consumer" culture, that the ancient satanism practiced by the Vatican hierarchy and Jesuits has lost its way. Discussions concerning the discovery of the world's largest goat's head ancient pentagram made from Nazi concentration camps no more surprises nor greatly motivates a modern teenager concerning the New World Order. Satanism, like Horror, Violence and Pornography have become the 21st equivalent to "mind heroin". Yet midst such triumphant marketing by the Vatican and Jesuit elite, their crisis of faith- the absence of any remaining satanic spiritual patronage - we find a dangerous point for the planet. Moloch is not speaking to them. Even Lucifer, the most trusted spirit once known as Francis Borja has abandoned his beloved Jesuits. Why? In the previous article we offered the observation that the supreme arrogance of the Roman Catholic Church, no longer having any rival power in its worship of itself as gods. But an even deeper reason may still remain in the underlying wisdom of the last supremely evil command of Moloch to his army on Earth. It rests with the superior concept of redemption and whether we are witnessing a final redemption or damnation. If we are witnessing a final redemption, then the Roman Catholic Church and Jesuits must sacrifice themselves based on some key prophetic text such as the Treaty of Lucifer. But if we remain faced with cowards to their own faith, to people of dull and unimaginative intellects, then we may still be facing the ultimate damnation of World War III destruction. Time is running out for both sides. This is the second last pope by the prophecy of Moloch. If you are still unconvinced on the evidence presented concerning the Vatican Jesuit Holocaust, then read about the existence of the WWII Nazi Master Lists of Death and why they are now hidden beneath the Vatican. Next >>

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