Saturday, August 13, 2016

Recover Pain-free Joints and the Freedom to Move

Last week a client told me this story... I had an appointment with my medical doctor about my sore joints, that seem to be creeping into every movement when I wake up in the morning. Because I'm in my early 50s, I wondered if this is what I can expect - will my discomforts continue and evolve into full blown arthritis... or worse? My friends all seem to have this problem too - joint pain with no cause that our medical doctors can find. Our doctors' explanation is simply "aging" and their recommendation is to cover up the pain with anti-inflammatory drugs. Unlike most of my friends, I don't have any prescriptions drugs, and I didn't feel inclined to start now. So I read up on anti-inflammatory prescription drugs, and here's what I really questioned... Can my joint pain be caused by a lack of Advil? Well of course not! If you've been diagnosed with arthritis, your doctor will recommend treatment and pain management, likely including Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs like Advil and Tylenol) - despite their well-known side effects. NSAIDs and pain relievers (analgesics) - they help you to feel better by reducing discomfort, but they do not stop the process of degenerating joints! I found out that - in fact - NSAIDs make joints worse in the long run! ~ Yikes! Research indicates that NSAIDs actually accelerate the progression of joint destruction, causing more problems down the road. Here's how: The good news about NSAIDs is that they reduce your pain, by blocking enzymes that are involved in the production of inflammatory compounds. BUT... NSAIDs also inhibit enzymes that manufacture cartilage components! You may be temporarily pain-free, but your joints are silently getting worse! Several clinical studies have shown that NSAID use is associated with acceleration of osteoarthritis and increased joint destruction!!!

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