The Mind Virus Energy Blockages Collective
The Mind Parasites, the Mind Virus Energy Blockage Collective of Colin Wilson - what the Native American people called Wetiko - What Carl Jung called the Shadow - are the Energy Blockage Stealers of your Energy, Energy Vampires, Satabotagers of your life we remove with Energy Enhancement Advanced Meditation Techniques.
It should get our attention that every person or group of people that have discovered the Mind Virus, what the Native American people called the Wetiko - Mind Virus Energy Blockages Collective - unanimously consider it to be the most important topic—there’s not even any competition—to understand in our world today.
In addition to Satchidanand and Energy Enhancement Meditation, many artists have also been creatively and imaginatively expressing the insidious workings of the Mind Virus Energy Blockages Collective psychosis in a wide variety of mediums.
To use one example: Colin Wilson, in “the supernatural metaphysical cult thriller” The Mind Parasites, first published in 1967,
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Colin Wilson in his book above is using the fictive power of the literary imagination to give living form to this Mind Virus Energy Blockages Collective virus of the mind. The more I studied Wilson’s book, the more I had the overwhelming impression that he was really onto something—i.e., that he was tracking the elusive footprints of the Mind Virus Energy Blockages Collective—and that he had chosen the form of a fictional narrative to describe, circumscribe and elucidate the real nature of this deadly mind virus that threatens us all.
It is as if Wilson was waking up to the psychic parasites that were within not only himself, but all of humanity, and his activated unconscious was using the vehicle of the literary imagination to express this realization, this Truth...
That the Mind Virus Energy Blockages Collective Exists!
The Mind Virus Energy Blockages Collective is Real!
The Mind Virus Energy Blockages Collective is Sabotaging your Mind!
Right NOW!.
Oftentimes creative artists are the canaries in the coal-mine of humanity’s psyche, presciently giving communicable form to what is emerging within the collective unconscious of our species. Sometimes the work is so informed by the artist’s unconscious that the artists themselves aren’t consciously aware of what they are revealing. When an artist is bringing in something new, there are usually varying degrees of consciousness around what is coming through them, as their work is the result of a creative interaction between their conscious and unconscious minds.
Having our minds co-opted and taken over by these Mind Virus Energy Blockages Collective “energy vampires” can happen (in small or big ways) to anyone of us at any given moment in time—e.g., when any of us unconsciously acts out our unhealed abuse, indulges in our addictive behaviors, speaks falsely, or succumbs to “groupthink,” to use just a few examples.
Here’s what I wrote in Dispelling the Mind Virus Energy Blockages, “To the extent we are unconsciously possessed by the spirit of the Mind Virus Energy Blockages, it is as if a psychic parasite has taken over our brain and tricked us, its host, into thinking we are feeding and empowering ourselves while we are actually nourishing the parasite.”
Not just capable of taking over an individual’s mind, these mind-parasites can operate through and possess a group, a nation, or even—potentially—to varying degrees, our entire species. the Mind Virus Energy Blockages is, after all, a “collective” psychosis.
Most of humanity is being influenced by “hidden” (which is one of the meaning of the word “occult”) forces operating deep within our unconscious minds in ways that profoundly impoverish the quality of our awareness, all the while not having the slightest realization that this diminishment is even happening.
These malevolent forces Mind Virus Energy Blockages Collective occlude us in such a way that our occlusion becomes self-perpetuating, the result being that we can’t even tell we are occluded.
Once our mind is “programmed”—massaged into shape—by the Mind Virus Energy Blockages Collective, we become more like automatons and zombies than creatively alive human beings.
Speaking of people who have fallen under the thrall of these sinister forces, Austin comments that they “were moving mechanically – mere chess men in the hands of the Mind Virus Energy Blockages Collective.”
If we ask people in the grips of the Mind Virus Energy Blockages Collective why they are acting out in the unconscious habitual way they are, they will often have a ready-made rationalization and justification.
Their “cover-story” unknowingly serves the agenda of the Mind Virus Energy Blockages Collective, as it camouflages these sinister entities’ operations within their own minds so that they continue to remain ignorant of the source of their own impulses, thoughts, beliefs and actions.
Austin writes, “once a human being has been ‘conditioned’ by the Mind Virus Energy Blockages Collective, he is like a clock that has been wound up; he only requires attention once every year or so.
Besides, Weissman discovered human beings ‘condition’ one another with Mass Psychosis Mind Control from every bought and paid for Media Source, Publishing Company Books, CNN, Washington post, Facebook, Twitter, Google, bought by Satanic Phoenician Mega-Trillionaire elites totally under Mind Virus Energy Blockages Collective Control and save the parasites work.”
This is similar to when there is an abusive agent in the family system, they typically just have to act out their violence only once—the mere possibility of them acting this out again gets across their message loud and clear and keeps the family “in line.”
We then only occasionally need their attention to remind us of the threat we are living under, which becomes internalized within our own minds.
Groups of people so conditioned can easily enact their inner state of fear and limitation in such a way that they police themselves, acting as their own control system—they then become complicit in keeping each other asleep.
Anyone snapping out of the programming is seen as a threat by those still under its spell.
Most people become so accustomed to their confinement—it seems “normal,” just the way things are—and not knowing anything different, they easily become complacent, satisfied and actually “happy” with their current state of limitation, confusing it with freedom, thinking they are simply being in touch with “the real world.”
In Austin’s words, humanity was struggling “as if in the grip of an invisible octopus.”
Describing the multi-headed hydra quality of these darker forces, Austin comments that they are “something I can only compare to an immense, jelly-like octopus whose tentacles are separated from its body and can move about like individuals.”
Austin was describing the nonlocal aspect of the tentacles—the arms—of the Mind Virus Energy Blockages, which, coming through different people or aspects of the environment, seem separated but are actually coordinated and connected parts of a greater “body” in which they are all contained and of which they are all expressions.
To quote Austin, “I had been wrong to think of the parasites as separate beings.”
There was one deeper energy—seemingly originating from a higher dimension than the merely physical—that was animating all of the multifarious manifestations of All of the Mind Virus Energy Blockages Collective, in every body, in every human being taken over by them.
In other words, something seemingly plural was actually singular in nature that controlling All the Mind Virus Energy Blockages Collective in every Human Being, significantly, is to be found within every one of our inner depths.
Weissman writes, “it is so important for the Mind Virus Energy Blockages Collective to keep their presence unknown, to drain man’s lifeblood without his being aware of it.
A man who defeats the Mind Virus Energy Blockages Collective becomes doubly dangerous to them, for his forces of self-renewal have conquered.
In such cases, the vampires probably attempt to destroy him in another way – by trying to influence other people against him.”
This statement by Weissman indicates that he had become aware of the nonlocal nature of the mind parasites, which is to say that these vampiric entities - Mind Virus Energy Blockages Collective - are not bound by the conventional laws of third-dimensional space and time.
From the sound of his writings, Weissman was beginning to realize that these Mind Virus Energy Blockages Collective, not being a localized phenomena that could be pinned down, were a field phenomenon, and could only be seen—and dealt with—once recognized as such.
Being a field phenomenon, the Mind Virus Energy Blockages Collective existed in a realm that interfaced with and connected both the outside world and our minds.
These entities simultaneously operate through our consciousness as well as being able to somehow configure the seemingly outer environment so as to enact themselves in embodied form as a way of accomplishing their agenda.
They organize themselves—be it through creating inner or outer obstacles—so as to oppose any effort (including this very article) that brings attention to their stealth operations to larger circles of people.
It is important to know what we are up against; as the adage goes, “know your enemy.” If we do manage to connect with the light within ourselves and try to share our light with others, these nonlocal vampiric entities - the Mind Virus Energy Blockages Collective (what I have in previous writings called “nonlocal demons,” or NLD for short), will try, via their “connections” to the nonlocal field, to stop us by influencing other people to turn against us.
Austin writes, “they [the Mind Virus Energy Blockages Collective] knew how to use other men against us, and this was the real danger.”
When someone begins to wake up, it is as if the forces of darkness, through the “control system” built into society and its institutionalized structures—which have become internalized within people’s minds—becomes alerted and mobilized in such a way as to make sure the person who is becoming aware of the operations of these inner adversaries and beginning to remember who they are gets taken back down, silenced, and put back to sleep.
The Mind Virus Energy Blockages Collective are able to "draft" unsuspecting others to become portals through which these forces can exert their influence into our world so as to seduce, distract or obstruct us from our path. People who are asleep to these nefarious forces unknowingly become enlisted to be the zombie-like foot-soldiers of the mind parasites, unwittingly serving their agenda of making sure no one steps out of line.
I wonder how many people who have been diagnosed with mental illnesses—who oftentimes complain of feeling strange alien energies living inside of their own mind trying to control them—are actually having accurate inchoate experiences of the mind parasites, but haven’t developed enough fluency or awareness to be able to deal with their situation. Well-meaning psychiatrists then pathologize and medicate them—all for their own good—but might these psychiatrists be the unwitting instruments through which the mind parasites are able to carry out their dirty work?
As the drama unfolds, at a press conference in which Dr. Austin was trying to alert the world to the danger it faced, he said, “Our aim today is to warn the people of the earth about a greater menace than they have ever faced….
These forces are more dangerous than any yet known to the human race because they are invisible, and are capable of attacking the human mind directly. They are able to destroy the sanity of any individual they attack, and to cause suicide.
They are also capable of enslaving certain individuals and of using them for their own purposes.”
It gets my attention that the very situation that Wilson is describing through his fictional narrative is actually getting mirrored by the deeper process that is currently playing out in our world—darker forces, covertly operating in the shadows, attempting to enslave humanity.
This isn’t a paranoid conspiracy theory, but is hidden in plain sight, visible to all who have developed the Energy Enhancement Third Eye - the (inner) eyes to see.
Weissman continues, “their [the Mind Virus Energy Blockages Collectives’] role is to take over a man’s mind, and to cause him to become an enemy of life and of the human race.”
Weissman wrote, “Now I suspect that these Mind Virus Energy Blockages Collective specialize in finding races who have almost reached this point of evolution, who are on the brink of achieving a new power, and then feeding on them until they have destroyed them.”
In addition to the weak and defenseless, these psychic vampires seek out people who are on the verge of a quantum, evolutionary leap in consciousness, but have not yet fully integrated their realizations, their psychic protections, their ability to remove the Energy Blockage Mind Parasites with the Energy Enhancement Seven Step process of Level 2 and Level 3...
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and stabilized themselves in the higher, more coherent level of consciousness that they are beginning to access.
These individuals are in an energetically sensitive and “charged” condition, and their openness and vulnerability invites these vampiric entities to gorge on the light of their prey’s expanding awareness, thereby preventing them from having enough energy to evolve to a higher level of consciousness.
Like moths attracted to the light of a flame, these darker forces are particularly attracted to people who are actively engaged in consciousness raising activities, seeking truth, and speaking out about it with the intention of helping to awaken others.
Continuing his articulation of these Mind Virus Energy Blockages Collectives, Weissman continues, “It is not their actual intention to destroy – because once they have done this, they are forced to seek another host.
Their intention is to feed, parasitise, vampirise, Steal our Spiritual Energy, for as long as possible on the tremendous energies generated by the evolutionary struggle.”
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This sounds so similar to what I wrote in Dispelling the Mind Virus Energy Blockages, “It [the Mind Virus Energy Blockages, i.e., the mind parasites] don’t want to kill us they want to feed on us forever by maintaining the whole of society, everyone, is a lower evolutionary state by using, "The Principle of Poverty"...
AGAINST SATANISM VOLUME 5 - Satanic Economics and the Satanic Principle of Poverty Published Feb 2019
We know the effects of meeting one psychopath and the destruction he can wreak in our lives. Wisdom teachings teach how to overcome their strategies and,"stay away from evil".
Satanism, - The Old Religion" - is when all the psychopaths get together in one group to wreck the world to their benefit. Energy Enhancement Wisdom teachings describe the historical problem and the means to overcome it. "Vampires hate the light of truth".
The key is that the Satanic Religion and its recruiting cults of Freemasonry and the Crowlean Sexual Ritual Ordo Templi Orientis are Fake Gangs, created by men as a technique to conquer the world.
The Ancient Satanic Enemy who counts meditation and the mind control psychic arts as one of its main planks of World Domination has used Satanic Infil-Traitors for 10,000 years in every Organisation - Religion, Left and Right Politics, Dynastic Families, Geopolitics, Economics, Universities, Intelligence Services, Think Tanks, Banking, International Companies, Global Warming, Eugenics..
And Banking Infiltration by Satanic Banksters supported by the False Fabulous Science of Economics..
And this book pricks the bubble of Fake Satanic Economics because Godly people could never set up the World banking and economic system described in these pages.
Only Satanists could create a system which is against the evolution of Humanity to the Stars.
Instead, the Satanic Banksters promote the Principle of Poverty, barefoot, back on the reservation, in debt to the company store.
, however, for to successfully implement its agenda of reproducing and propagating itself throughout the field, it must let the host live long enough to spread the virus. The host never dies too soon, the bug would be prematurely evicted and would suffer the inconvenience of having to find a new residence. Instead the Mind Virus lives forever in it's Mind Controlled, de-evolved host.
As he was beginning to realize the intent of these Mind Virus Energy Blockages Collective, Weissman continues, “Their purpose, therefore, is to prevent man from discovering meditation revealing the infinite worlds, the infinite chakras, the infinite energy inside himself, and to keep his attention directed outwards.”
The strategy of these predators is to distract us so as to keep our attention directed outside of ourselves, thereby stopping us from finding and utilizing the immense light of intrinsic awareness within ourselves, which would “kill” the Mind Virus Energy Blockages Collective vampires by rendering them impotent.
The Mind Virus Energy Blockages are only able to flourish when we are in “object-referral,” focusing our attention on the outside world—thinking the problem is outside of ourselves—as compared to when we are in “self-referral” (i.e., self-reflection), in touch with our Energy Enhancement immense creative power as observer/participants to shape our experience of both the world and ourselves.
Austin writes that “their chief power seems to lie in Mind Virus Energy Blockages Collective's ability to unbalance the mind.” Either creating or feeding off of the natural potentiality of the psyche for dissociation, it is as if the Mind Virus Energy Blockages Collective split the mind and compel a one-sidedness where we lose touch with our intrinsic wholeness and the full spectrum of possibilities that are always available to us.
Inspiring and then feeding off of the resultant polarization, the Mind Virus Energy Blockages Collective exploit, take advantage of, piggyback on and encourage people’s unconscious tendency to project their shadow outside of themselves.
To quote Austin, the Mind Virus Energy Blockages Collective “keep man looking for his enemies outside himself.” As long as we seek the enemy outside of ourselves, our true adversary, who lives inside of our heart and is the very sponsor of our projection, gets off scot-free.
Austin continues, “the chief weapon of the Mind Virus Energy Blockages Collective was a kind of ‘mind-jamming device’ that could be loosely compared to a radar-jamming device.” It was when the mind parasites knew a person was “onto them” that they would use whatever measures were at their disposal to obfuscate themselves so as to keep their covert operations hidden.
Austin writes, “The Mind Virus Energy Blockages Collective had always used this ‘obstructing’ method against the human race – deliberately distracting the mind when it begins to get to grips with its own secrets.”
Interestingly, in the highest spiritual teachings, the one and only instruction is to not get distracted from recognizing and abiding in the true open-ended nature of our awareness.
Whenever anyone would get too close to discovering their ploy, these Mind Virus Energy Blockages Collective would try—through their connections to the person’s unconscious mind—to disorient them, diverting them from their path. For example, as we are on the verge of having a transformative and elusive insight, we might get distracted and fail to write it down, thereby not anchoring it to consciousness, and then afterwards forget—and lose—what we had realized.
Or we might find ourselves, as we get close to seeing the covert psychological operations of the Mind Virus Energy Blockages Collective, experiencing our unhealed trauma getting re-evoked, making us feel anxious or afraid.
Or, as we begin to see through the subterfuge of these mind parasites, we might start feeling a lot of pain, which can easily cause us to dis-associate (i.e., split), resulting in moving away from our discovery of the mind parasites.
Or we might suddenly have an overwhelming impulse to eat, or drink, or go for a walk—anything that would take us away from being present with what is happening in that moment.
Or, as we begin to discover the light within ourselves, instead of cultivating an ever-deepening relationship with the radiance we find within, we might fall for the ruse of the mind parasites and identify with the light instead, becoming inflated and grandiose, thinking we are someone special.
The Mind Virus Energy Blockages Collective are masters of deception, tricksters par excellence. Though this can sound like the ravings of a paranoid madman, it is actually the opposite—a clear-sighted articulation of what we are up against.
In Weissman’s writings, it was becoming clear to him that these Mind Virus Energy Blockages Collective weren’t just messing with individual people’s minds, but were wreaking havoc through the collective unconsciousness of our species, a process that was playing out en masse in the world theater.
He wrote, “I think there can be no possible doubt that the wars of the last 10,000 years are a deliberate contrivance of these vampires.” It is as if “the beast” of war is a virulent collective incarnation—in living (and dying) flesh and blood—of these mind parasites writ large on the world stage.
If we look at the state of the world today, once we cultivate the eyes to see these Mind Virus Energy Blockages Collective, we notice their influence everywhere throughout our planetary “culture” (or lack thereof).
Through his deepening insight into the depth of the darkness that was animating these mind parasites, Weissman was also beginning to realize, as becomes clear through studying his writings, that there was a hidden gift encoded in these nefarious entities. He writes that “the mind vampires are, without intending it, the instruments of some higher force. They may, of course, succeed in destroying any race that becomes their host.
But if, by any chance, the race should become aware of the danger, the result is bound to be the exact opposite of what is intended.”
This brings to mind Goethe’s masterpiece Faust, in which Faust asks Mephistopheles (who represents the devil) who he is, and Mephistopheles replies that he is the “part of that force which would do evil, yet forever works the good.”
The idea is that encoded in the darkness is actually a force that would potentially serve the light, if only it is recognized as such.
Weissman writes, “The Mind Virus Energy Blockage Vampires might serve, therefore, to inoculate man against his own indifference and laziness.” The mind parasites/the Mind Virus Energy Blockages literally demand that we step into our power and become resistant and immune to their deception, trickery and oppression such that we discover how to step out of bondage and become free—or else!
The mind parasites/the Mind Virus Energy Blockages are “quantum” entities, which is to say they are in a superposition of states—containing both the deepest evil and/or the highest good. On one hand, it is as if these mind parasites are obstructing us from experiencing our true nature.
And yet, if recognized as such, these mind parasites could potentially help us to discover the very light they are obscuring. The are the Grain of Sand which creates the Pearl.
They are true guardians of the threshold of our evolution. How they actually manifest depends upon whether we recognize what they are, and how we interpret what they are revealing to us - That we need to defeat them. And this Forces us into the next step of our evolution.
The mind parasites/the Mind Virus Energy Blockages’s appearance on the scene is in some mysterious way related to humanity waking up to its true nature as divinely-inspired creative beings.
These seemingly darker forces are obscuring this nature, while at the same time their deadly challenge is the very thing that is, paradoxically, helping us to discover, wake up to and connect with our true nature.
For if humanity were to break free and withdraw its fixation on outward appearances and connect with the universe within, to quote Weissman,
“He would suddenly realize that he possesses inner-powers that make the hydrogen bomb seem a mere candle.”
In a very real sense, these mind parasites “cure” us of our wrong attitude towards both the world as well as ourselves. Instead of a typical virus mutating so as to become resistant to our attempts to heal it, the the Mind Virus Energy Blockage collective forces us to mutate, seek out the cure, forces us to evolve to defeat it using the only course which teaches you to do it, ENERGY ENHANCEMENT!.
It is as though the evil of the Mind Virus Energy Blockages Collective is itself the instrument of a higher evil intelligence.
Yes, every Mind Virus Energy Blockage is a Portal for the entrance of Evil Powers which connect through Energy Cords - see Level 4 of Energy Enhancement.
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They will suck your energy, vampirise your energy through these energy cords as you would drink your drink through a straw!
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"You have nothing to lose but your chains!"
Ever wonder why you feel so drained and painful?
You are being drained of your Spiritual Energy along energy connection cords!!
THE SECRET OF SEDUCTION CONTROL... To seduce, the Women cord to the men and the men cord to the woman's implanted s*xual addiction energy blockages and then their group of minions consciously stimulate the s*xual addiction energy blockages of everyone along energy cords early every morning and drain - steal - their energy along these energy cords which connect into your body through ritually created implant blockages.
I do not think that anyone has ever said this!!
That they milk their onanistic herd of cows along energy connection cords for their energy every day of the year!!
And that this has been going on for Thousands of Years!!
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This higher evil power, through the revelation and understanding of the Mind Virus Energy Blockages Collective, connects us through Energy Enhancement to a sacred, creative source within ourselves that makes “the hydrogen bomb seem a mere candle.”
In Dispelling the Mind Virus Energy Blockages Collective I write, “The the Mind Virus Energy Blockages Collective bug is the greatest catalytic force of evolution ever known—as well as not known—to humanity.”
Yes, the Mind Virus makes necessary, teaches us to seek out, the Next Step in Evolution.. ENERGY ENHANCEMENT! - THE ONLY COURSE WHICH CAN REMOVE THE VIRUS!
Sometimes we have to try to imagine what’s happening in order to gain access to reality. By creating a made-up fantasy world, it is as if Wilson, like the proverbial figure of “the fool” in the King’s Court, is “making light” of what is actually taking place as a way of getting the word out and telling the truth.
Telling his story as if it’s fiction—i.e., not true—enables Wilson to break the taboo against speaking the truth in a world where to do so is fraught with peril, even criminalized. Sharing his tale as if it’s merely a fictional product of his creative imagination skillfully allows him to bypass the flaming editorial swords of the gatekeepers of consensus reality with a liberating knowledge that would ordinarily—if put out as a factual warning to humanity—be seen as disruptive and taboo from the point of view of the powers-that-be.
Ironically, if the Mind Virus Energy Blockages Collective malevolent forces have infiltrated both our world and our minds—by presenting this information as if it’s merely fiction, he’s protecting himself from a retributive attack from the very mind parasites that he’s pretending only exist in his fantasy novel.
As a member of a timeless underground resistance movement, Wilson has managed to sneak in “living information” into a world that is unknowingly imprisoned and in desperate need of exactly such knowledge. Interestingly, while writing this article, I felt the mind parasites doing everything they can to stop me from getting this information out. Maybe, of course, this is only my overly activated imagination. In any case, I can easily feel like I am living in Colin Wilson’s mind parasites novel.
The Mind Parasites by Colin Wilson is a beautiful and powerful example that—because it operates in the shadows of the psyche—usually goes unrecognized and easily becomes marginalized. The idea of the Mind Virus Energy Blockages Collective invading both our world and our mind is Absolutely correct
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