WINDOW TO THE NEW WORLD (With Cross, Fire and Sword)
Greetings, my dear beloved children!
Today we will talk about the reason why monarchs actually had to share their power with the social and religious institutions of power.
It was happening little by little together with the development of the political, military, economic and financial activity of the states.
Monarchs' advisers could no longer cope with such a large amount of work, while monarchs themselves rarely exhibited governmental habits of mind, as power was passed down from generation to generation without regard to the talents or abilities of royal descendants. .
However, to maintain their influence, they have always gone to great lengths to appoint their people heads of each department and most often the same Dragon reptilians or high caste reptilians again.
Great care was devoted to the choice of religious figures, since it is religion that has produced the most effect on human consciousness since time immemorial.
We have already talked a lot with you about how far is the official region of the Creator whose particle is each human Soul.
By hiding this truth, the Dragon reptilians have managed to turn religion into something like a monarchy, with the head of this or that religious denomination being "at the helm" and reverently worshiped by his congregation.
Therefore, God has become Heavenly Ruler instead of Father for the people and in order to enter the Kingdom of God, they have been in due submission to the monarchy and religious power throughout their lives.
And this has been by far the most serious crime of the Dragon reptilians against humanity.
The same happened with the teaching of Jeshua, the priests perverted it and almost separated people from their Creator, depriving them of the knowledge of the Laws of the Universe, which are the only ones that allow them to live in Love and Happiness.
And all this has been going on until now.
The most successful in this has been the Catholic religion and the institution of papal power.
No other religion hides as many crimes as those committed by the Vatican and its deputies around the world.
And it has happened due to the fact that this branch of Christianity found itself under the influence of the Jesuit Order, the most ruthless and cruel that has been headed by the Dragon reptiles and high caste reptilians for as long as it has existed. .
It was they who organized the “witch hunt”, persecuting and burning at the stake anyone who dared to show free will and get out of the control of the Catholic priests.
They also planned religious wars that provided the lowest vibrational energies to their Archon master, costing mankind millions of ruined lives.
These creatures who know nothing of Love or Sympathy were celebrating the consumption of enormous amounts of human fear, pain and suffering with parties.
And the most valuable has always been and remains the energy that a person emits at the moment of his violent death.
As you can see, all of this has been in progress up to now.
But this time has already reached its climax, since today the Dragon reptiles at the helm, as well as their minions, manage to pit not only people with different religious views against each other, but even people of the same religion, and this hostility is gaining ground. scale.
Thus, having united, the monarchy and religious power have caused even more human troubles and sorrows.
And it's not just that people are beginning to realize all the underlying reasons for their problems and the genuine essence of the religious institutions that were created on Earth is slowly but surely coming to light.
Here we will stop for today.
loving you endlessly,
Father-Absolute spoke to you
Channeled by Marta on July 9, 2023.
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