Queridos lectores, bienvenidos a este mensaje que en realidad es su mensaje porque la conciencia atrae hacia sí misma aquello con lo que está alineada y, por lo tanto, a través de estos mensajes están atrayendo hacia sí mismos lo que necesitan saber, comprender y para lo que están preparados. Por eso es tan importante ser consciente de lo que tienes en la conciencia.
World events continue to cause stress and confusion for everyone. Those who have attained a consciousness of oneness understand that there is an energetic shift taking place but they too are experiencing a sense of sadness because they know that the world could be so different. Never forget that a new and different world is the goal, the Divine Plan, and will happen. Allow the process dear ones for all is proceeding according to plan and anything not in and of Divine consciousness is temporary.
Many of you are finding yourselves increasingly drawn to step back from activities and people that were once important to you. This is because you have evolved and your consciousness no longer resonates in alignment with some of these activities and individuals. It does not mean that these things were inappropriate or false, it simply means you have moved into a different state of consciousness.
When you choose to withdraw from things that once played a large part in who you were it often brings angry responses from those who were involved with you through activities or as companions. Your withdrawal is seen as personal rejection by those not yet able to comprehend that energy seeks to align with like energy and your energy has changed.
Love those who may feel hurt and rejected because you no longer enjoy doing the things you once did. Do not engage in argument. Participate now and then, because it doesn't hurt to "play the game" in order to be loving on a level they can understand. It often happens that those who have been close long time friends are open to the idea that some things may feel finished for you and it is not a personal rejection of them. These friendships often continue in a higher and more satisfying form.
Everything presently known and accepted in the third dimension belief system is changing. Some things will change radically and some not, but as collective consciousness increasingly awakens it cannot help but manifest as higher forms. Many long established institutions and belief systems will no longer be as they have been because the energy that maintained and sustained them will no longer exist.
Those living fully in the three dimensional belief system and dependent on the outer world for their good are experiencing fear at this time. Change is destroying the illusory foundation they have built their lives on leaving them floundering and confused. However, the crumbling of a false foundation is often the wake up call necessary to force them into new and higher ways of thinking. Allow the process dear ones, just allow, trust and know that everything taking place at this time is a facet of earth's ascension process even if things do not appear to be very spiritual.
Third dimensional living is built on and manifests from what is already known and accepted in a universal consciousness of duality, separation, and two powers. Because they do not yet understand that all answers lie within, the majority continues looking to the "experts" in all areas of life--religion, philosophy, education, law, medicine, government etc. for answers, truth, and knowledge.
Because most experts research, draw information, and come to conclusions through the three dimensional belief system, the facts they promote and which have come to be accepted as the final word on a topic, will change as consciousness changes, leaving these experts and those dependent on their findings confused, angry, lashing out, and resisting as new ideas begin to surface.
The findings of experts have always been considered to be truth in the minds of most but as increasingly more individuals awaken and begin to trust their intuition they are starting to question many commonly accepted beliefs. Through their newly awakened awareness they are looking at the world with new eyes and choosing to reject many of the long held societal and religious rules that have held them in bondage.
Many young people today are rejecting commonly accepted three dimensional rules and regulations to the dismay of their parents. Large numbers of very evolved souls chose to incarnate at this time in order to add the Light of their evolved consciousnesses to the collective. The majority of them long ago evolved beyond what the earth's present day belief system still considers to be real and important. To their evolved states of consciousness, many current three dimensional rules and regulations just seem silly, unimportant, and irrelevant.
The density of earth's energy prevents them from actually remembering who they are and why they came. They don't understand why they are "different" and frequently do not fit in with their peers. Because of this many have become depressed, confused, and even suicidal. However with time and maturity most will eventually come to understand that they must play the three dimensional game a bit in order to be understood by those not yet at their level of awareness and do what they came to do.
Parents, do not try to force these children into three dimensional molds they have evolved beyond. They need loving guidance for living in a world that does not fully resonate with them, but allow your intuition to guide you rather than societal opinion.
Fear is the reason so many continue holding fast to obsolete beliefs even when they have resulted in painful, unfulfilling, and sometimes downright horrible life experiences. Fear is nothing more than an expression of separation consciousness and is the underlying source of every discord on earth.
When a person believes themselves to be separate from God, people, other life forms, and what they need, they feel unloved and unwanted. Not knowing how to deal with these emotions, they frequently blame those in their life lashing out at them physically, emotionally, and mentally in an attempt to prove that they are "somebody", have power, and are worthy of respect and love. This can easily be observed in individuals rich and poor, some police, governments, some military, corporations, and in many present day three dimensional institutions.
Ábranse a la Luz queridos. Permita que el aire fresco de lo que es nuevo y superior ocupe un lugar destacado en su pensamiento en lugar de continuar comparando constantemente el presente con el pasado. A pesar de lo que muchos creen y esperan, el pasado no va a volver exactamente como era porque la energía que lo formó ya no es la misma. La conciencia es la sustancia de la forma y el colectivo está en proceso de abrirse a un estado de conciencia nuevo y superior.
Permítete dejar ir cualquier cosa que se sienta terminada y completa sin importar lo que otros te digan. El empoderamiento es confiar y actuar sobre su guía e intuición internas.
SER Luz no significa que siempre debes estar pensando conscientemente en la verdad espiritual. Una vez que se alcanza la conciencia de la verdad y la unidad, es suya para siempre y continuará desarrollándose espiritualmente porque la Conciencia es infinita. Sepa que nunca podrá volver a un estado de conciencia superado, incluso si lo intenta, como algunos lo han hecho, con la esperanza de que le facilitaría la vida.
Cuando eres feliz, haciendo lo que amas, tu energía vibra a una frecuencia más alta porque el amor y la alegría son la realidad. Debido a que solo hay UNO, el estado de su conciencia afecta a todos los demás. Pasar tiempo en la naturaleza, oler y apreciar la belleza de una flor, ver jugar a los niños, leer un buen libro, hablar con amigos, hacer el trabajo que amas o participar en una actividad creativa que disfrutas son actividades espirituales porque elevan tu energía a una frecuencia más alta.
La creencia de que no estás siendo espiritual cuando participas en actividades que no sean la adoración consciente o la oración formal refleja viejas enseñanzas y dogmas religiosos que siguen vivos y en buen estado incluso hoy. Las enseñanzas que dicen que el disfrute de la vida humana ordinaria no es espiritual todavía prevalecen en algunas iglesias, hasta el punto de dictar reglas sobre exactamente qué actividades son espirituales y están permitidas y cuáles son pecados dignos de castigo.
Durante mucho tiempo se ha enseñado que el sufrimiento acerca a una persona a Dios, que para volverse "santa" una persona debe sufrir y ofrecer el sufrimiento a Dios en reparación por su pecaminosidad humana innata como si Dios pudiera ser feliz en el sufrimiento de sí mismo. individualizado Algunos creen que si no están sufriendo lo suficiente, deben ayudar a las cosas a través de actividades que provocan dolor físico. Si el sufrimiento existiera en la Mente Divina, la Ley Divina lo mantendría permanentemente en su lugar, para nunca ser sanado o cambiado.
Estas enseñanzas comenzaron hace mucho tiempo porque permitieron que los que estaban en el poder, especialmente el poder religioso, controlaran y tomaran de las vidas de una mayoría que no tenía educación y era ingenua. La mayoría de ustedes ha vivido bajo la influencia de estas creencias y es posible que de vez en cuando aparezcan en sus pensamientos sobre el sufrimiento. El sufrimiento ciertamente puede ser una llamada de atención para aquellos que lo necesitan, pero los conceptos sobre el sufrimiento que complace a Dios deben ser vistos por las tonterías que representan y de una vez por todas dejarlos ir.
Saber que...
Dios no se complace, nunca lo ha hecho y nunca se complacerá en el sufrimiento de Sí Mismo como usted.
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