Monday, June 3, 2024

The Zionist NAZI Connection and the Creation of Israel - Forbidden Knowledge TV

Dear forbidden-knowledge,

Innocent Jews are under siege from the blowback of the malfeasance of the Jewish Mafia in recent years. There is a rise of anti-semitism, due to the war in Gaza and due to so many treasonous Biden administration officials involved in the COVID genocide being Jewish Mafia, in addition to many Biden executives facilitating the invasion of millions of unvetted foreign military-aged men into the US also being Jewish Mafia, causing Chuck Baldwin to ask, "Are Biden and Netanyahu Orchestrating War in the United States?"

Therefore, it’s important to understand the role of the Jewish Mafia (aka Khazarian Mafia) within this larger structure known as the "Elite".

What we learn is that the Nazis and the Jewish Mafia are really no different from the Latin drug cartels – incidentally, which are also controlled by the Black Nobility. They are all criminal cults, created by these same aristocrats – to execute their crimes, to fight us and each other, to serve as scapegoats and to distract us from their crimes.

This quote from a mystery document that was leaked by Tore Maras in one of her films last year is very revealing:

“The Bavarian Wittelsbach family from Bavaria created the Bavarian Illuminati and administers the Benedictine Monks and is also part of the Jewish Mafia in the United States who are white collar criminals. The House of Wittelsbach is involved with Zionism, Nazism, Freemasonry, and the Society of Jesus [Jesuits].”

In other words, none of these institutions and "-isms" are really what they present themselves to be. The truth remains that not all Latinos are traffickers, not all whites are Nazis and not all Jews are Jewish Mafia.

The COVID PSYOP and the tyrannical behavior of the WHO and its minions inadvertently revealed the biggest secret of the 20th century: that the Nazi elite won World War II and filled the plebs’ minds with fairy tails about “victory” and “freedom”, while their Nazi CIA destabilized all the Third World Governments and sent American soldiers into the meatgrinders of Korea, Vietnam and the Middle East.

Meanwhile, generations of younger Americans are brain-damaged from the Cabal's "vaccines" and are susceptible to the incessant Marxist propaganda they are inflicted with daily, at school and in the ubiquity of corporate messaging.

I feel like they’re only keeping us around to complete their Large Language Model with every click of our keyboards, towards Artificial General Intelligence.

They would rid themselves of us once that's done and that may be very soon, at the rate of the current sabre-rattling.

It seems that Greg Reese may have taken some inspiration from the discussions James Grundvig and I have been having about these topics, which are the subject of our upcoming documentary, ‘Splintering Babylon: The Plan. Revelation. The Path to Freedom’.


by Greg Reese

Adolf Hitler’s father was Alois Schicklgruber, the bastard child of Maria Schicklgruber, who changed his name to Hitler to hide the fact that he was an illegitimate child. Many historians have claimed that Maria was impregnated by Baron Rothschild when she worked for him. The Rothschilds have been known to breed thousands of illegitimate children under different names to serve the family’s agenda. And their name isn’t really Rothschild. In the late eighteenth century, Mayer Amschel Bauer was the private banker for the Black Nobility through the House of Hesse, and changed the family name just before expanding the family business.

Rothschild means, “Red Shield,” which was their company logo. A six-pointed star which has become known as the Star of David. This was not a Jewish symbol, it was introduced by the Rothschilds who later funded the Zionists. And in 1948, Rothschild influence compelled the state of Israel to adopt the hexagram as their national symbol.

In the late 1800s, Cecil Rhodes set up a secret society to preserve the expansion of the British Empire. Known as the Milner group, their main focus from 1920 to 1938 was to maintain the balance of power in Europe by building up Germany and pitting them against France and Russia. They discussed creating a situation that would compel Germany to start a second World War.

During this time, the reparations from the Treaty of Versailles led to hyper-inflation in Germany. And in 1930, as the international banking system was collapsing, the Young Plan was enacted which required Germany to pay about two billion Reichsmarks annually payable through 1988. This scheme was funded by JP Morgan, led by the founder of RCA, and directed by members of the Milner group. It broke the German economy.

In 1933, Hitler secured funding from the Bank of England, which was run by the Rothschild banking dynasty. This deal was brokered by John Foster Dulles and Allen Dulles, who later headed the CIA.

With initial funding from the Rothschild bank of England, Germany invaded Poland and received additional funding from the Bush family’s Brown Brothers Harriman. The Germans were fueled by Standard Oil and supported by Ford, General Electric, DuPont, and IBM, all of which profited greatly from the war.

World War Two accomplished the stated goals of the Milner Group, it made the banks and their cronies even richer, and it directly led to the creation of the United Nations, and Israel.

Theodor Herzl, the founder of the Zionist movement, was not a religious Jew. Officially he was an atheist, but more likely he was an occultist agent of the Rothschilds. He was no fan of the Jews. In his own words he sympathized with anti Jewish sentiment. His original plan was to have them all convert to Catholicism. And when that failed, he decided they should be expelled from Europe.

In 1933, the Haavara Agreement, or "transfer agreement," was made between Nazi Germany and the Zionists wherein German Jews would be sent to Palestine. Non-Zionist Jews did not want to leave, and so the NAZIs encouraged them through persecution.

In 1917, the British Government announced its support for the establishment of a "national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine, known as the Balfour Declaration, and seized control of the land. After the second world war, with Holocaust propaganda used as the catalyst, this land was gifted to the Zionists from the British, and the state of Israel was officially created.

Between 1947 and 1949, the Zionists murdered the locals, destroyed hundreds of villages, and expelled more than seven-hundred-thousand Palestinians. A savage invasion celebrated every May 15th known as, Nakba Day.

Before Zionism created the state of Israel, Jews did not have a common language or nationality, and they were not considered to be a race.

The historical record tells us that the Khazars were known for starting wars through deception. And about seven hundred years ago, they all converted to Judaism. These are the Ashkenazi Jews who later became Zionists, and persecuted the Sephardic Jews of Palestine. They do not follow the teachings of the Torah, they follow the Talmud, ancient teachings that can be described as anti-christian or satanic. The motto of Israeli Mossad "By way of deception thou shalt do war," really sums up the nature of Zionism, which includes Evangelical Christians and certain sects of Islam. With eighty percent of the world being religious, religion is the easiest way to ignite war. Which is what the central banks always want.


Running Time: 6 minutes


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