Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Please let me know how this lands with you - Jen McCarty

Dearest beloveds,
We are entering into the 99 gateway.
In a few days and I will be creating my Ascension report
So many downloads are pouring through about this portal and a huge aspect of it is connected to the timeline where by there has been a huge attack on the Divine feminine‘s womb. 
There have been curses and intentions weaved into the unconsciousness of humanity that has kept the Divine feminine suffering and experiencing all sorts of nonsense with their cycle and the abhorrent thing that is called menopause.
This is not meant to be part of our reality. 
We are children of God we are meant to reside in these vessels for as long as we wish for at least 1000 - 1500 years. 
In the 9;9 we are going to be doing a huge activation to connect with our crystalline womb and connect with our crystalline eggs.
We will be giving birth when we are 550 as that is the Way God planned it to be.please can we all wake up now to this terrible agenda of aging this is a reptilian agenda and not part of God’s plan I promise you.
I just shared this message on fb and am sharing it with you all here 
I've been going to quite a few festivals this season, and I've noticed a common theme amongst relatively powerful spiritual men. Many of them seem to be matched up with extremely young women.It is quite phenomenal how frequently I have observed this. And it has got me thinking why are somewhat powerfully spiritual men predominantly attracted to younger women?
A younger woman has not been on her spiritual awakening path for that long and generalkly speaking for the most part, she has not activated the wild woman codes within her Shakti fire energy.She will not have had the chance to spend many, many years doing the deep shadow integration work, and masterfully becoming the observer of her ego consciousness.The young feminine will most likely stroke the masculine's ego, and the masculine for the most part is very comfortable with this arrangement.
A divine feminine will do the absolute opposite. She is calibrated to such a high spiritual frequency through intensive integrative shadow work for many, many, many, many years that her job (which has been given to her directly by God herself) is to assist you in the journey to absolutely slaying your ego.The slaying of the ego is done with holy love - deeply anchored in the vibration of spiritual devotion.The divine feminine has been ordained by the creator to assist on a profound level in your journey home to your sacred self in this eternal present moment.
The death of the ego is a terrifying thing, particularly for masculines who notoriously experience life on earth from a highly challenging perspective and thus have a very challenging experience on earth most of the time.The concept or idea of someone slaying their ego is very threatening for many men, and so they acquiesce their spiritual needs for what they consider to be an easier life with a low vibrational feminine who simply has not done the work to actualize her true Shakti fire within her - the core of her being.
This has a huge detrimental effect on the divine masculine, primarily through boredom and inertia. God has put forward the divine feminine to be the muse of the divine masculine. Her curves, her ways, her looks her wit, her challenges to your ego, her divine song, everything about her has been curated to awaken you out of your deep matrix slumber.I will be devoting an aspect of the 9.9 transmission to supporting the divine masculine to let go of this easy option and to step up now, to face his true divine feminine, the woman that God created to be with him, to merge with him, to marry him on an eternal spiritual level.
For those that God has brought together, let no man put asunder. And there is no force more powerful on the earth than two souls that God has mated together.It is time now, divine masculines, to be brave. You are deeply supported by your angelic team, all the ascended beings, your higher self, and Mother-Father God. And of course, we, the awakened divine feminine, have got you, we have your back.We will hold you, caress you, pleasure you, sing your soul song back to you add infinitum. Our desire is for you to awaken to your Christic divinity, perpetually, forevermore.In love and light, the divine feminine.

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