Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Straight from the Heart - August 4th, 2020~ Valerie Donner

August 4, 2020
Valerie Donner
"Your Work, Love, Light and Prayers are making a profound difference on the Earth at this time!"

~ Valerie Donner

Straight from the Heart

August 4th, 2020
Dear Ground Crew,

Here is the latest message from Apollo: “We are in the process of making numerous preparations for our teams to uplift the earth. This is a call for freedom for your planet throughout all of creation. This is the free world and it is at the command of the Creator. Many plans are already being adjusted and re-made to expedite the process so that the dangerous ones are removed and you can move into the Golden Age. The suffering and pain have lasted too long. Know that divine intervention is here and you will be free before you know it. We are with you in divine resolve and divine love.”

As I said in my last update, that Apollo has been extremely busy lately. He is working in the universe and the multi universe doing this important work for our ascension. I have had a few messages from him and the most important one was July 12, 2020: “We are about to complete this quadrant in the universe, just like the earth. All systems go! Get ready! We have to do this sooner because there will be too much destruction from the dark forces. What we are doing could be shocking to many, especially the dark forces. Big changes are ahead. Rest and enjoy yourselves now.”

Ground Crew, most of us are flooded with information. Some of it is true and some is not. I have received confirmation that what Apollo told me on 12 July is true. I pray that as lightworkers you do not believe everything you hear that the dark forces will be doing. Yes, they have their plans, however, we are in charge and we are taking our planet back! Even though some of us realize how wide and far reaching the dark forces are on the planet, this does not mean that they will continue to be in control. In fact, they are falling fast. If you pay attention to their latest antics, you will begin to see how desperate they are. They are doing everything they can to censor the truth and hide their service to self-agenda. Please connect with all of the forces of light that are assisting us now and know that the expansiveness of creation far outshines the dark. Just tune into the light in meditation and feel the mighty power of the light. It is awesome.

Everything continues to be in a state of flux. This can be unnerving and stressful. What are you doing in your daily lives to overcome this situation? Are you doing your prayers and meditation? Are you rising above the chaos? Are you allowing the sweetness of the earth to bless each day? Can you be grateful for the blue skies and for the absence of chemtrails? Are you smelling the fragrance of the flowers and enjoying the deliciousness of the food that you eat? Are you staying in contact with your family and friends? Are you nurturing your body, your mind, your heart and your soul?

How are you handling some of the negativity that is directed at you? The polarity can be intense and disturbing especially if it has to do with friends and family. How do you maintain neutrality in the face of perhaps some type of attack? Do you fall for the bait or do you remain silent? It seems that many people are feeling brittle, angry, impatient, and perhaps wielding a short fuse. Clearly, everyone is feeling the stress of these times. Some people have their own agenda and maybe they do want to create a fight. Is that our job as lightworkers to be fight workers? It can be tempting at times but I think we are more inclined to want to be peacemakers. This requires self-control and awareness. It takes resolve to stay straight on the path. Most people are just trying to do the best that they can with whatever confronts them.

The virus certainly has changed peoples’ behaviors. Some are using coping mechanisms like increased drinking and use of drugs. Some are depressed or ill. Fear is common place. The change in rules and regulations can drive one crazy. They change from day today in what seems like with the whims of those who are supposedly in charge. I had to write a poem about my next-door neighbor:
Corona Neighbor
By Valerie Donner
Corona neighbors are making things hard.
They party day and night
In their back yard.
They have a pool
And think it’s all right
To drink like fishes
Day and night.
Alcohol runs through their veins.
They make so much noise
It’s like a freight train.
They’re nice people,
What can I say,
Except what they are doing is not okay!
Circle the wagons.
Open the doors.
Soon the bars will be open.
And they won’t be so loud anymore.
I wrote this poem a little earlier in this phase of the lock down. I’m still not sure, like most of us, when things will open up again. It’s sad to see businesses not being able to survive. We are in this together and must remember that spirit has our back! We will all be taken care of. We will have everything we need. There is so much abundance on this planet there is no reason for people not to have enough to eat or to not have a place to live.

Have any of you wondered if you could discern who is a Reptilian? There are many beings who are shape shifters and are Reptilians on this planet. Some are more obvious than others and they exist in many walks of life. Some are good and others are not. Recently, I did a little research so that I could sharpen my abilities in determining if someone was reptilian or not. This is what I was told by one of my friends who is knowledgeable about them: “They have angular features, different eyes, more pointy teeth, a narrow jaw or a receding jaw, sallow skin; they can look like the royal family, have a certain geometry in the face; they walk differently, speak with a different timbre; you might feel uncomfortable around them because their energy is weird; they can be sly and cunning, powerful and charming; they can be very beautiful, or repulsive like what you see in movies; they are vampires with high levels of need, especially for money.”

As ground crew we need to elevate our discernment powers because there is a lot of subterfuge that is going on right now. One of my friends got involved unknowingly with a beautiful dark Reptilian woman who created a huge distraction for him in his life. (I define a distraction as a dark attack.) We also need to be cautious and discerning in case there are some landings of spaceships and not just get on board any ship because we think that it’s safe because they are “galactics”.

A message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council channeled through Valerie Donner August 3, 2020
Greetings: I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. 

I bring you great tidings from the Earth Council and all beings of light. We recommend you take a few deep breaths and let go of the stress and the chaos present on the planet. We understand how you could feel saturated with all of the chaos and change right now. We ask you to loosen up your bodies, minds, hearts and souls. You have been staying in place for too long. This is the time when you need to reach out to each other to show your caring and concern. So much is going to be revealed to you in the very near future and much is going to be asked of you. Yes, you need to shake off the fear, let go of the isolation, and open your hearts.

You are here for the great awakening. The earth has had enough and so have you. She is ready and is moving into the fifth dimension and higher. She will no longer be patient with the dark energies. She is in need of cleansing and should be honored for her power and her glory. Like you, she needs to shake it off and that is what she is in the process of doing. This is not to instill fear but it is to show you how powerful the earth is.

The earth is being held steady in her place and is getting ready to be moved in your solar system, galaxy and universe. This will bring forth the necessary changes for her survival as well as yours. In fact, you will be living in the glory of the new earth and the beauty of creation. These are the final days of living in the old material world. You will be uplifted along with the earth. Your consciousness is rising and this is what will allow you to be a part of the new. Please do whatever you can now to release the old that has been holding you back. This applies to old wounds, memories that no longer serve you, and anything that is lowering your vibration. You must not let it have a hold on you anymore.

Think about how it will feel to be free of the encumbrances that you’ve carried around, not just in this incarnation, but in many others. When you let it go, let it go for good and do not bring it back. None of the old memories, slights or concerns, are who you are. 

You are masterful, powerful beings of light with many gifts and abilities that you are about to use in ways that you never could have imagined. Some of you will begin speaking languages that you did not know you had within. You will create beauty and art as an expression of the love in your heart. Some will play beautiful music and others will dance to it. You will be surrounded in joy, love, and play. Your lives will have new meaning. We will all be involved in the resurrection of the new earth.

Technologies will be available to everyone without expense. They will be simple and easy to use and will improve your lives. You will heal the bodies, bring forth new teachings, and be doing the work that you were intended to do. You will live in peace, harmony, joy, and balance. The earth will be restored to her pristine beauty. There will be abundant healing throughout the planet.

We love and admire you. You shall be set free. 
I am Mira

Mt Shasta

Mt. Shasta Retreat
I have been called to do my Heart of the Mountain Retreat at Mt. Shasta from September 3-6. So far, there are a few of us who will be attending. You can still join if you feel drawn. It will be a low-keyed gathering. I am told that there will be some special energies there during that time and that I need to be there.
Please click here for more information. You may also email me at vdonner99@gmail.com or call me at 925-287-8976

Lions Gate
Maureen Moss is doing a special Lions Gate meditation on 8-8-20 at 11:00AM Pacific Time. She is calling it “A Magical, Unparalleled Journey into the Syrian Stargate and Beyond.” You can connect with her at maureen@maureenmoss.com
Magenta Pixie
Magenta Pixie channels the Council of Nine from Sirius. She has a new YouTube: “Breaking the Dream spell- Lionsgate Portal, Sirian Stargate – August 3 to August 13, 2020.” It’s only 23 minutes and here is the link: YouTube.com/watch?v=UdbucalPOvo
Ground Crew Zoom Call
We have a small core group of ground crew on a zoom call that we do every two weeks. We even have someone from Sweden in attendance. If you want to be a part of our group you can let me know. We talk about what is occurring right now in our lives and on the planet, I do some channeling’s, and meditation.

Our next call will be on Sunday, August 16th at 1 PM Pacific time. It is 90 minutes and it’s $20.

In Conclusion
This is a tricky time to be on the earth. We have to be aware and cautious of everything we say and do including the people we are around. More people are awakening but we cannot expect everyone to be as aware as we are aware. This long journey to go home and to be in the golden age on our beautiful planet is nearly complete. Please be grateful for everything in your life and for the precious gift of being on the earth at this momentous time.
Take blessed care, dear ground crew. We can do it! We are doing it! And we can rise above it!
Blessings, love and light,

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