Friday, August 7, 2020

Shorter 144K Meditation on Sat, Lion's Gate @ 4pm EST! Big Confrontation.

Most of us have noticed the Cabal is attacking the 188 degree Ley line again, with further explosions in United Arab Emirate (UAE) and Paris, only a day after the explosion in Beruit ... during this crucial 8/8 Lion's Gateway period that began with the full moon on Monday.

Judging by these events, they may try another event this Sat - 8/8 - right on the Lion's Gate galactic portal that opens up.

New intel update just released by FM144 has confirmed the importance of the Lion's Gate galactic portal.

There's certainly plenty of speculation that the White Hats have something in the works, and the Cabal are trying to drop the timelines by attacking the 188 degree Ley Line to prevent it.

ENTER THE 144K ...

This Saturday's 144K Mass Meditation will be about 30 mins & extremely helpful in actualizing the full higher octave possibilities of the Lion's Gate 8/8 galactic portal...

... and not to mention countering dark rituals on this date by the dark ones, who will attempt to skew & subvert the incoming portal energies, to create the lowest possible timeline octave. 

Prepare yourself for this.

See you there!

Times & Links For The 8/8 Lion's Gate Mass Meditation

Date: Sat, 8/8/20 

Start Time: 4PM EST (US)

Your Timezone:

Live Platform: is RIGHT HERE ...

Or simply: Click on Ground Crew Command Radio tab in the 144K Member's Area

Back-up: Click on the picture at the top of this email

Let's show'em who's in control!

Yours In Service ...

The Unknown Lightwarrior

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