Sunday, August 4, 2024


It's ON! New Moon in Leo - Lion's Gate!

August 4th New Moon 144K Meditation is in one hour!

Times/Links are at the bottom.



... there's plasma & etheric [sticky] imprints & wormhole connections between and within ... Orion's Belt, Alpha-Draconis & Gaia.


This is now 'up' for removal, because of the time/space we're moving into

[Lion's Gate] which was too 'hairy' or obscured to deal with in past years.


It's kinda like traveling to a country for vacation, only to have emotional or physical upheaval come up & ruining your enjoyment of this badly needed break ... simply because you had a past-file in said country ... and 'up' it all comes!





There's also hidden, millions of years old super-advanced tech within or under the Giza-pyramids (physical, but higher density) connected to various parts of Gaia ... which the dark ones intend to use to destroy the Planet.


Never a dull moment with the 144K - as we relentlessly march on to Freedom & Galactic Family Reunion! 


Buckle-up Dear Operatives...


...the rest of our mission will be revealed in few hours, once we're in the crystal ball and up beyond the Multiverse.




Yours In Service ...


The Unknown Lightwarrior 






August 4th - 2024

New Moon In Leo - Prep For Lion's gate 

144K Mass Meditation



Date: Aug 4th, 2024


Time: 6:30 AM EDT [US]


Your Timezone:


Telegram links are posted on the 144K Member's site, to reduce the number of 144K notifications going into spam folders.


Blog Talk Live Link: Click Here


Free Conference Call: 1-518-318-5638




The feedback is IN. Use Higher-Self Rules to clear those ruts & prepare!

I've made the recording available for you at any time that suits you & your timezone, but only for one more week ... get us all ready for the Lion's Gate - New Moon in Leo


144k Mass Meditation).


So register here now ... I want you to have this wonderful, positive experience... and I want you to have these three new tools in your arsenal!


 ... results are all that matters.


So here ya go!  



I got an interesting answer that I didn't expect.




My answer was instant after asking. Clear and complete.




Thanks so much Jim - Really on point! 

(Katalin, Budapest)


Thank you! Such a blessing! I experienced very loving guidance.



Nice experience. I know the answer is forthcoming.



I showed the Gamalghoom everything I wanted to create... and they assisted with all this, but then took me to the core of each desire.. reunion with my soul family, so spent time with them, it was incredibly beautiful, still tearful.




I'm sending my higher self a special gesture . . . ;-).

Not impressed with its ridiculous demands... and yet somehow I FEEL better. So SOMETHING worked .

Thank you!

(Taura Athena)


I have an expanded vision of my property/contribution to a peaceful retreat for people.



I feel lighter and younger.



Thanks so much for this special experience. I came here weary and hurt. Now I can feel better.



I felt under attack leading up to this.

Aches and pains associated with this have lifted.

 Thank you 







Below are the short details on what you actually get to download & use ... to make your journey to the Event a far higher frequency experience, instead of an agonizing wait.


Remember, for us Starseeds ...


... the hard part has always been how to make connection with your 

Higher-Self easier & quicker.



What you'll get:





Tool #1: External Future Timeline Clearance Tool 


(21 min Audio)


When you work with your Omnipresent I-AM and with The Teams in a certain way ... there’s a way to see & clear all externally derived blocks ahead of time, on a monthly basis.


You get this tool for FREE, when you listen to the webinar training!



Tool #2: Oracle Method - Audio 


... to see the next-best-step ... or answer ... or direct solution to achieve or resolve critical milestones you need sorted out, on your way to achieving your goals & dreams. Working in the same time-space with me and the Teams, helps you hear and see these answers - they come in crystal clear...and in a short timeframe.


You will experience this during the training... and will receive it as a separate audio afterward, in an email from me.



Tool #3: Re-Living Your [Soul’s] Immortality - Audio


... (at a big discount) ...


... this ‘blows the gasket’ of Light & High Frequency throughout your system, because it clears the ultimate sub-conscious ‘base-root’ fear of all fears … allowing you to feel limitless.


When the base-root of all fear is gone, it simply = Emotional Freedom


.... & therefore inevitable Physical Freedom.


Register here ... now that the energies have settled - you can do a powerful rebound with this event & session guidance!





Yours In Service ...


The Unknown Lightwarrior 



ps. It's my Soul Mission to support the 144k Army of Light with all the tools you need to get you to the Event... 



Set Your Alarm! It's ON! New Moon in Leo - Lion's Gate!

August 4th New Moon 144K Meditation Times/Links are at the bottom.


Following up from yesterday's Intel Report on the need for a dual-action on Aug 4 & Aug 8th ...


... there's plasma & etheric [sticky] imprints & wormhole connections between and within ... Orion's Belt, Alpha-Draconis & Gaia.


This is now 'up' for removal, because of the time/space we're moving into

[Lion's Gate] which was too 'hairy' or obscured to deal with in past years.


It's kinda like traveling to a country for vacation, only to have emotional or physical upheaval come up & ruining your enjoyment of this badly needed break ... simply because you had a past-file in said country ... and 'up' it all comes!





So this is turning out to be bigger than I thought (though no surprises there :- ) as more intel is drip-fed to me by non-surface Light Forces, as we approach Part-1 of this Sacred Dual Action by us 144k Members.


Part-1 action being, the New Moon this Sunday.


Just 11 hours away!


There's also hidden, millions of years old super-advanced tech within or under the Giza-pyramids (physical, but higher density) connected to various parts of Gaia ... which the dark ones intend to use to destroy the Planet.


Never a dull moment with the 144K - as we relentlessly march on to Freedom & Galactic Family Reunion! 


Buckle-up Dear Operatives.


...the rest of our mission will be revealed in few hours, once we're in the crystal ball and up beyond the Multiverse.




Yours In Service ...


The Unknown Lightwarrior 






August 4th - 2024

New Moon In Leo - Prep For Lion's gate 

144K Mass Meditation



Date: Aug 4th, 2024


Time: 6:30 AM EDT [US]


Your Timezone:


Telegram links are posted on the 144K Member's site, to reduce the number of 144K notifications going into spam folders.


Blog Talk Live Link: Click Here


Free Conference Call: 1-518-318-5638




It's ON! New Moon in Leo - Lion's Gate!


... there's plasma & etheric [sticky] imprints & wormhole connections between and within ... Orion's Belt, Alpha-Draconis & Gaia.


This is now 'up' for removal, because of the time/space we're moving into

[Lion's Gate] which was too 'hairy' or obscured to deal with in past years.


It's kinda like traveling to a country for vacation, only to have emotional or physical upheaval come up & ruining your enjoyment of this badly needed break ... simply because you had a past-file in said country ... and 'up' it all comes!





There's also hidden, millions of years old super-advanced tech within or under the Giza-pyramids (physical, but higher density) connected to various parts of Gaia ... which the dark ones intend to use to destroy the Planet.


Never a dull moment with the 144K - as we relentlessly march on to Freedom & Galactic Family Reunion! 


Buckle-up Dear Operatives...


...the rest of our mission will be revealed in few hours, once we're in the crystal ball and up beyond the Multiverse.




Yours In Service ...


The Unknown Lightwarrior 






August 4th - 2024

New Moon In Leo - Prep For Lion's gate 

144K Mass Meditation



Date: Aug 4th, 2024


Time: 6:30 AM EDT [US]


Your Timezone:


Telegram links are posted on the 144K Member's site, to reduce the number of 144K notifications going into spam folders.


Blog Talk Live Link: Click Here


Free Conference Call: 1-518-318-5638




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