Saturday, March 23, 2024

Ascension and Winning Your Infinite Game - Openhand

Dear Openhanders,

The Shadow still has so many commentators trapped in an endless mousetrap of "succeeding in the 3D". But the real victory is in escaping this finite game altogether - by becoming the Infinite Game Player of Ascension, something you can always succeed at, when you know how to play it. That's what we're exploring on Openhandweb right now. Tune in. Win the game! <<< Open 🙏




Escaping the Moustrap

My Dear Friends, I'm still seeing the Shadow manipulating many alternative and spiritual approaches out there - creating an ever-spinning mousetrap of new strories and dramas, but crucially, MOSTLY IN THE 3D. I watched a classic podcast, interviewing some "whistleblower" Brigadier General, who spent considerable time telling us "all the latest intel", concering some false flag event around the next solar eclipse. But the real 'take-away', was him telling the audience, "do what the government tells you!"

Okay... Yes sir, no sir, three bags full sir!

How about we escape this nonsense altogether? How about we expand out and realise the bigger picture - the much, much bigger picture?!

Firstly, there's the recognition that EVERYTHING is happening because of the Ascension - the Shift of consciousness to higher vibrations, which the shadow is desperately efforting to distract everyone from. Secondly, NO ONE is going to win in this 3D game of smoke and mirrors. The 3D will be completely cleansed anyway. So why mantain any allegiance to the shenanigens of the system? Thirdly, and most importantly, there is only ever one game going on anyway - the immaculate accualisation of your authentic self: you, as The One.

There's only one way to lose this game - by not participating!

Learn to play the daily-game of your self-actualisation, and you'll find the whole Universe coming in to support you, to reveal you, to actualise you. Because there's nothing else that's real going on. The rest is all a charade!

And when we surrender to this, when we commit to it, then the Toroidal Flower of Life manifests around you - you bcome a magnetic source of creation. You start to see the harmonious mirror of what you are, peeling away all that you are not.

It leads to an experience of infinite peace, but, paradoxially, also infinite alchemy.
That's the beauty of the simple change of perspective and application in our lives of becoming the Infinite Game Player.

Let's start succeeding. Right now!

<<< Open 💎

Infinite Game Players

Dear Openhanders, let's escape the spinning wheel today, and inspire those around us to do the same. Let's stop reaffirming the nonsense of the shadow, and instead, expand out into the much bigger game. It's high time to start winning!

Bright Blessings <<< Open 💎
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