Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Human Race Survival Resistance (HRSR) Headquarters Message # 7

Human Race Survival Resistance (HRSR) Headquarters Message # 7

In today’s daily sermon, I will show you, dear brethren, how the Western feminist nations’ “women’s equality” “female church donators loving” “Jezebel demon spirit filled” “unbiblical post-1873 10% salary tithe income tax extorting” “Satan Lucifer’s ordained & allowed & trained & non-assassination-attempts-receiving” fake unbiblical job position pastors are deceiving millions and millions of Western feminist nations’ “Bible verses redefining, women’s head coverings rebelling, fallen angel head controlled, men’s pants cross-dressers” fake Christians to destruction by sword & famine & plague & demon armies & getting their women’s heads shaved & getting their cross-dressing men’s trousers ripped off to be raped & getting beheaded to feed their blood to the vampire army being manufactured in the Antarctic Black Shield base in their 5,000 year old fallen angels’ Umbrella corporation FEMA department’s Nazi holocaust camps. There are two levels of deception by these Satan Lucifer’s pastors. One level of deception is teaching the lie that if you received Jesus by faith, you are saved, and you will enter heaven. They do not tell them that you need to place Jesus first before money & family & own life & own safety & pastor’s reputation & retirement pension & home & everything else. Another level of deception is teaching the lie that you are saved, if you have faith in God, but they do not tell you that it is a faith that speaks forth 100% of the truth even if everyone comes to try to kill you frantically, and all your heathen family are slaughtered, and all your income is cut off for imminent starvation, and demons & fallen angel devils attack all day, and all your church donators leave you thinking that you are a lunatic heretic idiotic narcotic maniac, out of love for God and others. The other level of deception is teaching the lie that you just need to trust God with your finances or relationships or health, but they do not tell you that the other part of faith is obeying God and agreeing with God’s original Bible verses before the pastors redefined them for their church donators. They teach a fake Sananda Jesus of all “love and light” and not having to really obey the Bible. How can you have God’s blessings in finances or relationships or health, if you hate God’s Word and are afraid to teach the Bible verses on it? This is how these pastors are leading millions of Western feminist nations’ “women’s head coverings rebelling fallen angel head controlled” religious Christian hordes to deception and destruction and hell for Satan Lucifer. They still refuse to sell their homes and retirement pensions and church corporation business & church building to refund the tithes they extorted using God’s name and apologize to their church donators for stealing, and they do not burn their Semjaza’s medical science witchcraft health insurance certificates and Satan Lucifer’s Illuminati religious system seminary college degrees and Illuminati 501c3 tax code “Satan spiritual contract” certifications, and they do not kick out their highest church donators medical science witchcraft witchdoctors and nurses and health insurance employees from their churches, and kick out their Christian worship satanic rock music church bands, and stop their second marriage adultery, and cease their gluttony to become like the Western feminist nations’ female pastors who look like hippos from behind, and give all their emergency gold & emergency food to the poor & orphans & widows, and banzai charge the enemy by exposing all their names & organizations & crimes & secrets & activities & methods so that everyone will come to try to kill them, and restore the hundreds of Bible verses that the pastors redefined in order to get church donators so that all their 99% religious filth church donators will leave them in anger & disgust & terror to cleanse God’s house of their religious contamination & satanic infiltration, and the female church donators will form mob riots to try to stone them. It is a grand deception and these pastors will lead millions to their death and to hell.


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