Saturday, August 7, 2021

Lord Orion: On Love - Scribe: Eliza Ayres

Lord Orion: On Love

Love is a many splendored thing, is it not?  Yet, humans often do not understand love at all.  For one thing, Love is a ‘power’.  Yes, you read that correctly; love is a power.

How is that, my lord, I can hear you say if you are polite or scoff if you are not.  Well, let me explain in simple language.

Love is the power of the Divine Feminine.  Whereas the Divine Masculine provides Strength, Power, and Divine Will, the Mother provides Love.  Look what She manages to do with it.

The Mother aspect of Source Energy – something that not too many Earth humans are aware of at this conjecture – is the Creatrix who weaves and knits the concepts of the Creator into manifestation.  Now, is not that a feat?

How does this feat happen?  Quantum potential is woven into waves and particles.  Ask a quantum physicist to explain it better than I can.  The ‘idea’ exists; therefore, it is.

You were an idea, a concept in the consciousness of your parents once, well, possibly a subconscious idea when your parents came together in an instinctual rite of creation such as your culture allows… and ‘you’ were born.  Of course, ‘you’… your consciousness was not ‘born’. 

Someday, when you leave your current body temple, you will discover for yourself the reality of life after death and life before birth.  You are consciousness, your consciousness is eternal.  You do not end at the end of this life, but awake into a new as yet unknown dimension depending on your progress in your prior incarnation.

Yet, we were speaking of Love, were we not?  Yes. 

So, what is the Force that binds all manifestation into a cohesive, organized unit?  Love.  What draws people to live together to create a unit which you call ‘the family’?  Love.  Likewise, what force persuades some people to break away from the herd mentality and strike out on their own?  Love.

Love is a Power and a paradox.  Within paradox, two things can exist at once in the same place.  Love manages to do this amazing feat with great ease, for love can be subdivided and subdivided into tiny portions, each big enough for one person.  Simultaneously, love can expand to include the entire collective of humanity and all life on this planet and beyond. 

Now, I might hear you say, “My Lord, how can this be?  How can my lover reject me?”

Well, since Love is the power behind creativity, those who create must focus that love energy into what they are creating.  Creation can take many forms.  Just look around you at the marvelous natural world that surrounds you here on this extraordinarily rich in diversity planet you live upon.  Just a quick glance at a field full of flowers and grasses gives delight to the eyes, yet were those plants made only for you, dear one, or from the sheer joy of creating?

I am not here to lead you all into the understanding and comprehension of why such magnificent abundance exists; it is there for you to explore.  Know only that life is to be enjoyed.  In joy, to honor the work and thought that coalesced into form to create a scene that you could walk through in wonder. 

The elemental beings translate the Love of the Mother into many forms.  They are Her tiny, yet powerful worker bees, molding love into different waves and particles that appear to be solid so you can confidentially walk across the field without stumbling.  Your subconscious interprets the waves and particles and creates the pattern through which you stroll.  When you turn back to gaze upon the scene, it still remains, as it is a pattern stored within your consciousness.

You are a Child of Love, the product between your parents, who represent the earth-bound aspect of your Creator and Creatrix, man and woman.  The union of these two forces creates a new being, a form or vehicle by which you can move through this plane of existence.  Together, all three of you create the Holy Family, as Above, so Below.  Your life here can be a reflection of heaven, of the higher worlds, if you can release all that is not love, all that is illusion, that has been woven together by those who would turn away from the power of Love, in denial, seeking only darkness, that they might hide away in secret.

Yet, my dear ones, there is no place imagined that can escape the power of Love, for love binds all things, all people, all life, the worlds and their corresponding stars, the constellations and their corresponding galaxies, the galaxies and their corresponding universes on to eternity, beyond the comprehension of your present mind.

So, can anyone truly escape the notice of Love?  No, for it is the warp and weave of consciousness, the All That Is, which surrounds you with its Glory, that some men would deny for a season, for a lifetime, but not forever. 

Love is therefore you are Love.  Love encompasses you every day.  You may not understand its power, but at times you feel it move through you like a tide.  And like a tide, love can recede, seemingly disappear, only to return once more.  Love can seem to bind, but is that not a thought of your own creation.  For love can free oneself to be oneself, when the definition of love is too narrow for the spirit contained within a vessel.  So, the consciousness yearns to expand, to break free and then does so, as the intent and focus creates the movement… which then coalesces into motion and becomes form.

You can place notions and expectations on the thing you love, but it won’t necessarily obey your insistence when you step beyond a hidden line and attempt to remove free will.  For love is fierce and protective.  Those who stand in the power of love, the co-creators, can resist tyranny, for they are the river, flowing along able to move through resistance and fear like a river.  Just watch the power of water by paying attention to a video of a flash flood.

The urge to create is irresistible for some and so they must flow, acting as instruments of the Mother and Her agents.  Love for these consists of doing, building, creating, writing, painting, moving through an interior dance as they perform their chosen focus, acting as the hands, feet, heart and head for the Mother, bringing into being a new form.  If your intent and focus does not step in concert with these the agents of the Mother, then step aside or be washed away by the unstoppable flood.

Love is.  Many are the words that could describe love but these few will give you an illustration of the power contained within this force of Nature.  There will be those who resist and turn away.  There will be those who embrace what is given and go with the flow, sometimes out of reach of control.  It is as it is.  All of you were created to be unique, entirely yourself.  Do not expect someone else to fit your expectations, to conform to your intentions and purpose.  They have their own inner call to answer.  If it corresponds to your own, then you may walk together for a season.  If not, then let them go; they are not yours.  They belong to themselves and the Mother.

Those who would own another form of life do not understand the power of love.  They will, eventually, when they let go their resistance, their need to compel other forms of life to meet their own expectations, and to demand compliance.  Capitulation may come initially until an unseen boundary is breached and then self-love will step in and free the other from your grip, sweeping them away from your hands as they flow along the river of creation, hearing the sacred call that echoes in their blood.  Do not seek to bind each other to false promises, to dreams unexpressed, to your own one-sided hopes and expectations, but allow each other to choose and in so choosing, walk together in harmony.

Love is a mystery that has evaded the attempts of man to understand yet it has created you, all life, and the worlds.  Is it not a wonder to be immersed within while you are a part of the manifested worlds?

We go now.  Thank you for your kind attention this day.

I AM Orion and am here to Serve.

Scribe: Eliza Ayres

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