Tuesday, March 19, 2024

The Love Inside, Free Will Prevailed, Be Yourself

One Hundred Fifty Fourth Edition - March 19, 2024

The Angel's Songs are most powerful, so I recommend you

listen to the audio as you read. Fran


Isis and the Angel starting with a song: 


Inhale, exhale. Always remember that there is a Light within yourself, deep inside yourself. This year is the year of opportunity.  So you have to take all opportunities coming in front of you.  Be proud of yourself. Be confident.


Inhale - exhale. Let the Angel’s song come in through your heart - and let the Love be.

Song 2:


Feel how you are. Feel how the energy feels on your body.

Just breathe. Let all your body be quiet. Just listen to yourself. Feel who you are.


Feel your whole body. Feel your whole place. And believe that all of you, and all around you, is only Light and Love, because you are the Light – this Love!


It’s time for Humanity to consider that Love inside – this Light - who is coming from your inner sun.


Believe – just believe!  And take all the opportunities that are coming to you, to  all of you.


We are now in a new era – a new time.


And you will receive many good news - from each way you’ll be able to hear from.


Inhale and exhale. Be who you are.

Song 3:


In this place where you all stand from your heart – feel – feel this energy – this consciousness you are!


You learn from each experience of your life. You understand now many things that have happened in your life, many connections who are many Beings - not only Humans.

So you have to prepare yourself to meet those 'Creatures', if I can say it like that.  No judgement - remember that you are all in One Consciousness!


This is only Light - and only Love.


Smile!  Only smile and laugh!  Have some Joy.  Let the Joy be in your whole body. Just love Who you are.  Enjoy all your days.

Song 4:


Inhale – exhale.

How do you feel yourself?  How do you feel this Peace inside – deep inside yourself?


Those songs are to make you be in Peace and a whole serenity, so you can open your heart more and more - because the news that are following is very important for all of you to understand, not with your brains – but with all your heart.


Just remember that we are all One Consciousness – and that we can stop – we can stop the war – the hope is that this Humanity will be in Peace - only Peace.


You have a powerful, a great power!  Smile!  Have Joy in everything you do.  I know that sometimes your life is not as you want to have to do.


Remember that only You – only you can create the world that you want to live in this reality! You have this power – Believe!


Be yourself. Sometimes maybe you have some doubts. Just remember – Light is always there!


And if Light is always there – so it is the same for the Love – the Unconditional Love you are!

Song 5:

And just remember that you’ll never walk alone! We are all around you. We stand with all of you.


Believe – and have faith.


I wish you a very good time with all the news that are coming.


I wish that the Love in you, in all of you will be your blessing here and now – today and for eternity.


Bless you all.


Song 6:


Pita: Hi, Everyone. I hope you have a good time – a beautiful time to come. 


Transcription by Fran.

Given through Pita on Ashtar Legacy Family Call, March 12, 2024


Copyright Pita 2024 - All Rights Reserved.






The Galactic Good News Report 

by Rama and Tara



audio links - scroll down here:

2023 Rama & Tara Reports (ashtarontheroad.com)


Read the updates included on the

March 12, 2024 Ashtar Legacy Call - and more:


Rama's White Knight Report - February 29, 2024 (rainbowroundtable.net)


Rama's White Knight Report February 24, 2024


Related Message from Dr Keshe:




News Updates | RainbowRoundtable




Art by Sherri Reeve


Chosen by Sananda for ALN readers 3-19-2024


A Course In Miracles


"You can wait, delay, paralyze yourself, or

reduce your creativity almost to nothing.

But you cannot abolish it."








March 11, 2024

Upcoming happenings; assistance to volunteers; self-love; mission; emotional baggage; universal and cosmic justice


With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew.


From time to time we have alluded to upcoming happenings that will shock most of Earth’s peoples to their very core. If any period could be considered majorly dramatic insofar as the world being turned upside down to shake out the dark elements, it is the period on your near horizon. In concert with mind-stunning revelations, energy surges will be activating ancient portals and anchoring them as interstellar beacons.


The unusual activity that volunteers will welcome and find energizing will be confusing and frightening to Earth’s peoples. As truths come forth in months ahead, both believers and nonbelievers will need to be steadied. Not only do you have the strength in mind, body and spirit to carry them on your shoulders, so to say, you are that strength, dear ones, and much, much more—you need only to trust that you are.


Still, you will not be lifting up the whole civilization yourselves. Many of God’s myriad emissaries—angels, spirit guides, your loved ones in spirit worlds, souls from off-planet civilizations and from Inner Earth, and the extraterrestrial special forces—want to participate, too.


Most will be unseen, but you will feel their energy merging with yours, and together you will generate a tsunami of love’s high vibrations that will help stabilize the populace. Forthcoming developments will be lifechanging for every soul on the planet and the changes will benefit the entire universe.


When the chaos is quelled and your weary world has been rejuvenated, fourth density’s mopping-up process can start in earnest.


If we were asked to offer a list of preparations for that task, at the top would be Love yourself. That isn’t vanity or egotism, it is knowing that you are infinitely greater than personality, character, talents, skills and achievements—you are a powerful multidimensional immortal soul made of Creator Source love-light energy.


Loving self is acknowledging that you are an inseparable part of the Supreme Being of this universe and energetically connected with all other life on Earth and beyond. Loving self is honoring your god- or goddess-self, steadfastness in the light and perseverance in a difficult, vital mission.


You chose to help Earth’s peoples free themselves from darkness and remember that they are aspects of God and members of our universal family. Stirring their innate awareness of who they are entails your exemplifying who you are, and self-love is a prerequisite to doing that with certainty and comfort. Beloved sisters and brothers, love yourselves, honor yourselves, be good to yourselves!


Next on the list would be Get rid of emotional baggage. In Earth’s energy field of potential countless wispy streamers that look like hefty cobwebs are tagging along with robust streamers. If those “webs” were printouts, they would be statements like these: I never could do that as well as they did. Another attempt would just end in another failure. I was angry but shouldn’t have blamed her for what was partly my fault.  They know I deserve the job they gave to that new recruit. I’ll get back at him if it’s the last thing I do. How can I ever make up for what I’ve done?


Self-doubt, anger, guilt, resentment, jealousy, remorse and other low-vibratory sentiments are terrible weights on hearts and minds. If you are carrying a burden of that kind, please drop it—don’t let the past dictate the future. Make restitution and reparation where you can, set a realistic goal and take firm steps to achieve it, put forth your best effort in team projects, don’t compare your accomplishments with someone else’s, and love yourself as much as we love you.


A related issue, the estrangement that developed within families and between friends due to polarized opinions about vaccines and other mandates, is one of the many sad effects of the “pandemic.”  Please don’t let that very dark chapter of Earth’s history continue its destruction. Healing wounds and restoring loving relationships can come with forgiveness on both sides of the coin, in a manner of speaking: Forgive the persons who hurt you; and, with heartfelt apologies to persons you hurt, forgive yourself for inflicting that hurt.


Thinking and speaking carefully would be high on our list. Words—thought, spoken, heard, read and written—generate vibrations all along the frequency spectrum. That is true of everything you think, feel and do, and if your decisions come with gentle tugs on your heart strings, as if to say Good one!, the sensation is confirming that your choices are in line with your soul contract.


For instance, it is with good reason that most of you enjoy being in Nature and doing things that bring smiles and laughter. The energy of the lighthearted feelings those activities produce is aligned with your mission, and its high vibrations touch all who are nearby as it flows wherever in the world the power of love-light is most needed. That is why—and how—simply your BEing is helping Earth’s peoples awaken and feel inspired to change their world.


Recently my mother was requested to ask us, “How many souls are in the cosmos?” We replied: We don’t know, but if we did, could the requester comprehend a quantity of that vastness? A deep-thinking, curious mind is to be greatly admired, but would getting the answer to that question add joy or excitement to life or enhance helpfulness to others?


We mention that incident because it is good to know what helps you be the very best you and what doesn’t contribute any value. Giving thought to that occasionally is helpful to staying in top form.


“Matthew said ‘A number of their major players in several countries have been executed.’ How do souls at your station reconcile respect for justice systems that condemn individuals to death and spiritual teachings that respect all life, judge no one, feel compassion and empathy and urge forgiveness?”


We do not attempt to reconcile those systems and teachings; rather, we assess them as the distinctly different entities they are. Without reservation we honor the sacred teachings and we cannot respect your justice systems. We see false verdicts that promote political interests or get opposition out of the way. Privately-operated prisons are filled with individuals whose infractions are minimal and innocent persons are imprisoned due to faulty defense or to protect the guilty who can bribe, blackmail or threaten their way to freedom. Those prevalent situations will be changing.


We want to address the matter of execution in our comment quoted above. Some time ago a reader asked us about “legal killing” and we responded in a message. Mother, please insert the pertinent part of our reply.


Darkness in your world cannot be extinguished completely if persons who committed crimes against humanity are imprisoned. Individuals who planned and carried out the “pandemic,” are involved in sex-trafficking and pedophilia, participate in satanic rituals or commit other atrocities are puppets of the darkness. As long as they are living on Earth, their thoughts and feelings will continue to generate the lowest of vibrations.


Vibrations, high and low, are contagious. It is easy to see how quickly the high vibes of joy and laughter spread. The spread of low vibrations becomes noticeable only after it is too late to reverse its destructive course. That is why the dark forces were able to annihilate civilizations in other worlds and obliterate entire planets. It is why that force twice was able to take over ancient civilizations in your world and much later, send the planet spiraling down into deep third density. Gaia does not want that to happen again.  [November 1, 2022]


Thank you, Mother. When darkness once again became dangerously entrenched on Earth, God authorized lifesaving assistance. A massive infusion of light, millions of lightworker volunteers and extraterrestrial special forces are part of the monumental aid “package” and another part is ending the physical lifetimes of individuals consumed by darkness.


Third density bodies are vehicles for only one incarnation, so let us speak about what happens when they die. A person’s etheric body and everything that made them unique—intelligence, knowledge, personality, character, attitudes, interests and aptitudes—automatically are drawn to the level of Nirvana where energy is the same as the energy of the person’s free will actions throughout the lifetime.


Life in that particular level is one aspect of what could be considered universal justice and the other is the lifeprint review, a lifelong movie that includes the exact feelings of every soul whose life the person touched. The review, which takes place soon after transition to spirit life, is a gratifying experience for persons whose lifetime energy is a reflection of their kind, thoughtful, helpful caring nature, and life in their level is wondrous.


The energy of puppets of darkness draws them to a tiny orb that is separate from flexible, multilayered Nirvana and where the composition is so dense nothing can escape. Lifeprint reviews there are interminable and agonizing, a lifelong replay of the massive toll of death and suffering those individuals caused.


Because light is anathema to them, only the spark that can be their saving grace is visible. If they accept the spark, more light is offered, and if that is accepted, light is provided until there is enough consciousness for a life to start over from scratch. The soul embodies in a form that functions instinctively, without intelligence or memory to influence action, and advancing from that primitive level to a thinking, reasoning, responsible individual can take millennia.


The ultimate justice is cosmic. We have been told that Creator Source expected all Its creations to be joyfully, constructively active so It could experience that, too, and for a while in deepest antiquity that is what happened. Then Lucifer and his adherents ran amok, and since then some of them have chosen to cause massive suffering, carnage and planetary devastation in every incarnation.


They have consistently declined the Supreme Being’s offers of divine grace and the only other way to stop them is to transmute their energy. However, like all other souls, they are of Creator’s essence, and only It is powerful enough to handle the density of Its creations that became consummate evildoers. After purifying their energy by extinguishing all awareness and memories, Creator draws that love-light essence back into Itself.


The existence of completely impartial, neutral universal and cosmic justice systems doesn’t lessen one iota the value of your spiritual teachings. Their light is helping to guide the society spiritually and consciously, and concomitantly with their advancement, justice systems will start serving everyone justly and incarceration will keep lessening until criminal behavior ceases. When the civilization is flourishing in fifth density, the tiny orb that was a separate part of Earth’s spirit world no longer will be needed and will be far distant from the planet and Nirvana.


Dear ones, on the other side of upcoming turmoil, the future of Earth and her civilization is shining. Their advancement will continue until there is unity consciousness and the planet glows with the vibrations of love, joy, harmony and prosperity.


If you have moved on, you can see that glorious world from wherever you are and feel a grand sense of fulfillment that you helped your Earth family manifest it.


All lighted souls in this universe are cheering you ever onward and supporting you with the power of unconditional love.


Suzanne Ward




~ Back to the Future with Ashtar and Friends ~



"The Free Will of Humanity Has Prevailed!!!"
"Greetings, Beloved Family!  Well, you heard the news. Turning point is reached!  Dominoes are falling so fast that even we in the Ashtar Command really are on high alert - Joy-full alert, we shall say - because everything is coming together!  Everything is, if you will, coming into place, or falling into place in exactly the precise, sequential, Highest and best order for all of Planet Earth - on all levels of dimensionality, for all members of all Kingdoms, including Humanity!
"Now, we will say that there is only so much that can be accomplished within the scope of Humanity’s permission, invitation, welcome – however you wish to envision it.  We have had what you would call limitations, but really it has all been so as to maintain a steady flow. 
"There have been many potential detours onto different timelines which have been by-passed according to the Divine plan which you, yourselves, participated in creating long, long before you came into your present bodies. And this is the way it has to be.  This is Divine Order, Divine Law! None of this - absolutely none of this progress - could have happened without you, Beloved Ones!!!
"Now, most of you have been here before.  Many of you have been in the Ashtar Command - and, if you have been, you are still!  So you have different lives that you are leading in different levels of dimensionality.  We know that's a concept that is still a difficult one to put yourselves in the living of, or to picture yourselves living, but we can assure you that you are!  And it transcends time and space and dimensional portals.  Not for you to be so concerned with, although you are certainly welcome up onto my ship, The New Jerusalem; up to Mother Sekhmet's ship; up to your own ships, if you so desire, during your meditation and sleep times.
"But what is important is our Mission here in what remains of 3D  Planet Earth!  We are the ultimate clean-up crew. We have been preparing the way and rolling out the red carpet.  You might liken that to preparation for the enactment of NESARA and the welcoming, or the announcement - or however you choose to say it - of our presence among you.
"Now, you know we've been here for a long, long time - really since the beginning of Earth - but when the anunnaki came in and the archons and the reptilians and all of them, we were not enabled to interfere at that time.  We were not empowered to do so by the Galactic Council, because this is a planet of free will and because on some level - as improbable, as difficult as it might be to comprehend - you participated in the GREAT EXPERIMENT!!!  You allowed the veil to be lowered so that you would forget your Divine origins.  You allowed these ones to hold dominion over you, to rule you, to control you, to abuse you in all manner of ways.
"And they tinkered with your DNA.  They really, really destroyed your connections by causing most of your DNA to go to sleep. Your scientists love to call it 'junk DNA.'  Well, it’s not junk!  It's your Higher Dimensional Connections DNA! 
"And as you know, you are opening it, so that more and more of YOU is connected in with more and more of YOU, that part of you that is already on the Higher levels and where only Love and its Light exist!!! And you are finding yourselves to be empowered in, oh so many ways, countless ways, to create miracles.
"So, what are miracles anyway?  Well, A Course in Miracles defines miracles as Love, and this is Truth!  It is exercising your Divine empowerment to manifest Love in every way, starting with yourselves.  Love yourselves into Higher Dimensionality. Love yourselves into the Golden Age.  Love yourselves into your own Homecomings, your Ascensions!
"Now, along the way, we will point out something that is known already to a good number of you, but nevertheless it bears repeating here.  It is most important that you understand, first of all, that you have participated in the tinkering with your DNA by allowing it.  I like that word 'tinker' because it was all an experiment, you know.  Really!  These ones didn't know what they were doing any more than Dr. Mengela did in Auschwitz.  It was simply experimentation which was allowed - no matter how horrific.
"And they seemed to accomplish their ultimate goal, which was to take over the Earth.  But wait a minute!  They HAVEN'T taken over the Earth and they're not going to because YOU and the other Lightworkers on Planet Earth are awake!!! 
"And you're saying, 'Uh, uh! No more!  We're calling for our Divine empowerment.  We are exercising our free will. We're getting up and out of this mess!'  But you've got to start with yourselves!
"So what do you do?  You go to council.  Sananda teaches this so beautifully in his Healing Hands of LoveLight Meditation.* Go into your council, because the most important participant in your council is YOU!  You sit with your Higher Dimensional Self and with everything - every particle, Nano particle, cell, and atom, and so on - in your energy fields, of the totality of YOU. 
"And you instruct your DNA to let go of those old programs that were put there - most particularly the programs of destruction, which you call 'death' - and you commit and you inform your DNA and your DNA Program Manager - which is you, a part of you - that you're changing the program.  You're choosing a different timeline for your physicality!
"Now, my Brother Kryon has done extensive teaching on this, and you are welcome to access his teachings, but it's very simple.  You say, 'I'm choosing Ascension.  I'm choosing to adapt and transformationally transmute my entire being, including my physical body, to assist me,' because you've got to be ready for it!
"You know, this is a real High energy experience, and you want to get through it with ease and grace and comfort.  Right?  No jarring around!  Ease and grace, flowing upward.  So you talk to yourself and you can bring in your guides.  You can bring in your healing team.  You can bring in your Divine Presence as the One We All Are, GOD, God I Am or Mother/Father God, Creator - however you want to include ALL of yourself in this council, and go for it, because the only person who can ultimately do that for you is you! 
"You can call upon many.  We have many beautiful, wondrously empowered healers in our own Ashtar On The Road Family, and it is certainly appropriate to call upon them for assistance.  But the one in charge of all of this is YOU, Beloved Ones, each and every one of you!!!
"So, I invite you, here on the New Jerusalem Bridge, to look at yourselves from this High Dimensional Perspective and see yourselves as we see you, those of us here who come from the Realms of Light.  You Are Divine Beings!  You are radiant beings, or as I am so fond of saying, you are absolute 'Beamers!'  So shine that Light into yourselves, Beloved Ones, and get into the fullness of your council, your Communion with your own Divine Selves!
"Now, we are going to hear tonight from Mother Gaia,** whose Kingdoms encompass all of Humanity and all living beings, below, on and above Planet Earth.  And she will have some particularly beautiful and High vibe loving advice for you on furthering, or I shall say, further exploring that which I have just told you - and then going another step!
"But for now, I cannot emphasize enough that it is up to each and every one of you to – they have this saying, it’s called 'carpe diem' – seize the day.  Seize the moment, in each and every moment, to remember Who You Really Are, that you come from that Divine place.  You can call it Heaven or the Realms of LoveLight - that's what we call it - Higher Dimensional Reality where your true, true self, Truth of yourself, really is.  And you came here to be in service!
"And the very first time I spoke to an audience – I don't measure time – but it was a while ago in your time.  I talked about 'beaming,' being a beamer of Love and Light and I'm still talking about it today, because that is the most important Mission that you came here to participate in!!!  
"You each have your own special gifts, your own special perspectives, but what unites you as members of this Ashtar On The Road Family, and as members of the Humanity of Planet Earth, is that you are all Divine Beamers!  So get together on that when you can.  Join in!
"Sekhmet will have more on this in the way of an activity.  She calls it 'Exercises' because, you know, she's such an active person - persona, I shall say, personality.  She is not embodied and yet she presents herself quite often in her energy body, which is brilliant and quite impressive, because she is very tall!  But she will lead us all in a very special Exercise to further what we are discussing, because you are in this discussion as much as I am!!! 
"You may think that I'm the only voice here, but I am getting the feedback from each and every one you, even as I bring the words through, the messages, the bundles of Light energy which are the messages translated through this Voice.
"We all have Mission and Purpose. We all are here to accomplish that Mission and Purpose. And you heard from the very masters. That's it!  It's done!  It’s a done deal!  And if you want to reference it as to dates - let’s just say time is up!  
"The free will of Humanity has prevailed!!!  The Light is lightening up all of Planet Earth, and lifting it up - and many of you know what that feels like - lifting it up into Higher Dimensional Reality.  And, of course, your destination is to permanently uplift from 3D and to go where that Reality is, because 3D - what is it? – a holographic illusion, play within a play - whatever you want to call it.
"Now, take a bow, all you players on the stage of Planet Earth. And you may want to fasten your seatbelts, because we are increasing the falling of the dominoes at such a speed that, if you'll fasten your seatbelts and stay in that High Vibration, you'll have a beautiful overview - the Compassionate Observers' overview of everything that is transpiring right now!  
"And you will also be in your own driver's seat, or the head of your council seat - or however you want to say it - to create what comes next upon your timelines - individually and upon the one timeline of the ascending Planet Earth and all who are accompanying this Planet into its Higher Dimensional Homecoming!
"Well, that's rather exciting, is it not?  And so now I, Ashtar, thank you for your attention and for your attendance in this Gathering!  I welcome you to continue your attentions here, and know that whether you are in this live audience or whether you come after to listen for the first time - or more than the first time - we are all here together on the Bridge of The New Jerusalem in celebration of all that has been accomplished and of the realization of success of our Mission together!!!  
"Thank you, most Beloved Family Members, for being in the Oneness of the Love We Are!  And so it is.  Salut!"
*   Sananda's Healing Hands of LoveLight Meditation:
**  Transcript of Mother Gaia's Message:
Transcription by Marta.
Given through Susan Leland, June 27, 2017. 
© Ashtar On The Road Publications and Ashtar's Legacy 2004-2024.
All rights reserved.



We look forward to the continuing co-creations
with our Ashtar Family
Fran and The Mentors,
with Susan

(photo of Susan as Ashtar)

We welcome donations to support Ashtar's Legacy.

All proceeds go to support our services.


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