Thursday, September 21, 2023

Sophia ~ Transmitters are us

September 21st, 2023


Welcome to my newsletter! I hope that you are doing well.

Today's conversation is not meant to be alarmist. Just the opposite, actually. It is felt as reinforcement for us and also a bit of a reminder. For this is why we find ourselves reading content like this, so that we will remember.

There has been a great deal of discussion about an "event" that was seen by remote viewers here (click here). This conversation (today's newsletter) took place long before any of these potential "event" predictions were seen. I do not sense that they are related precisely, and was not told that they are.

I was told that now would be a good moment in which to share this particular conversation. At times, I am told things that seem to have little relation to what is going on in our world. The conversation you are about to read is one of those. I hope that it resonates with you, and trust that you will keep what does and discard the rest.

I was sent the video shared below. It is interesting in that she is from the UK and yet this dream is about the US. Also, in it there is a birth and just a few days ago, possibly the same time she had the dream, I dreamed of giving birth myself. I have never had such a visceral dream and felt it was significant. At any rate, it is interesting.

My next book, "Drops of Light", will now be published in October. You'll be notified when it is available!

Please share this complimentary edition!

This comes to you today with love and appreciation for all that you are. Just know that your light is so very necessary and that it is brilliant! It is an honor to share this time with you.



PS Thanks for your reviews on Amazon, they are a help for us all!

It is the One.

Thank you.

Today, let us speak of war, or of what will appear to the uninitiated as all-out war. This is a reference to the final show of major force from those who have, until now, been in control of earth’s society.

Realize that they have not been in control of the earth itself, but of the society on her. Gaia controls herself, and is a living, breathing being.

These former controllers will execute some form of damage to signify their exit. It will all be very confusing, as “good guys” seem to become “bad guys”, while “bad guys” seem to become the “good” ones.

You have been told that this is an illusion, and it is true. There are multitudes of falsehoods that will be exposed in the coming days, weeks, months and, in some cases, years. It has been a slow escalation to blatant attempts at ownership and manipulation. The reversal of it won’t be instantaneous. It will evolve. There will be some initial outings and reversals. There is to be prosperity instilled here in the interim, in order to bring some comfort to the citizenry.

What you will witness will look like war. Yet in actuality is the final play by the former controllers, with swift response by the “white hats”. It will be relatively brief, as the “white hats” are expecting this and prepared.

What will be brief will be the action. The fallout from the action will be the lengthy part of the process.

It is suggested that you, once again, adapt your lives to changing circumstances with ease and joy, knowing that these discomforts are both necessary and temporary. You are prepared for this.

This is why you are here. It is the stability of your purpose that will fortify your light. Your light will be, and is, a place of grounding and strength for your fellow humans. It amps up now in preparation for this upcoming phase.

You will notice an increasing number of synchronicities in your daily life. As you do, realize that these are signals of your ramping up. Your light, your frequency, your sensitivity all emerge now in their fullness. For these are developed within you to a greater extent than has been utilized or imagined.

It is not necessary that you imagine it in order for it to manifest now. It is necessary that you accept it. Trust your instincts and visions and insights. Each moment that you are drawn to has magnetized the connection. It is purposeful. Your reach now is instantaneous and broad. Consciousness will guide your choices and responses.

Pay attention to bodily responses as well. Many will be temporary, short-term reactions to the frequency changes or the influx of light. You are built for this and become now a transmitter for the others.

Your purpose will be fulfilled in earnest now. Treat all of life gently, regardless of any prior assumptions you may have held about said life. Many things will surprise you, including true identities and purposes. Gentility will ease this upcoming passage for everyone you engage.

So, do not assume any violence you witness as a necessary part of your process. This transformation reaches all levels and plays out in proportion to the distortion. The greater impact it had on humanity, the more powerfully it will present. It is a function of the energy, and its expression. Violence need not be a part of your personal effort. Peace becomes the most beneficial choice.

This peace will eventually, and quickly, present globally as the obvious solution. At that point it will be known that the change is real. The re-building can begin in earnest then.

Again, realize that you are not witnessing the beginning of a war, but the end of an occupation.

This is cause for celebration. Once the dust settles, your New Earth will be built on a foundation from that celebration. This is one of Joy. This is one of Love. This is one of Global Benefit, as well as Peace. Your work now shows its effect with this  “changing of the guard”.

You have done well. This next part will be active and it will be exciting. You will see. There will be reasons to rejoice and many of them.

That is all.

Thank you.

~~~The Book Shop~~~

That's it for today!

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