God’s Love for His children is infinite, eternal, and unchanging.
As you prepare to start a new year, do relax into that space of deep inner knowing that you all possess, and allow yourselves to know that God’s plan for humanity is unfolding precisely as She intends, knowing, as you all do, that what She intends always occurs exactly as She wills. Humanity is awakening, and there are signs of this all across the world, even as it seems from the presentations of the various media outlets that pain, suffering, and conflicts are increasing enormously. Yes, there is much conflict occurring, and that is because there are still many on Earth who are clinging very fearfully to large amounts of judgment, anger, resentment, and hatred as it becomes ever more apparent to them, quite naturally, that the authoritarian governmental organizations on whom they have been relying for personal and global safety have been failing in that task.
To awaken into Love requires the release of those attitudes, and the full embracement of compassion and forgiveness, first within yourselves for yourselves as the divine gifts that they are, and then, as you set the intent, for all of humanity to become rapidly and increasingly aware of the need to do the same. Basically, an enormous change in attitudes is happening worldwide as people generally begin to fully understand the insanity of the manner in which relationships at every level of society – from personal to global – have been conducted for all of your recorded history. They are now demanding that their governmental agencies completely change the ways in which they operate, as they themselves individually release their own long-held personal attitudes and beliefs, and, finally, engage completely with the love that is their true and eternal nature. And of course it is these agencies that are always the slowest to admit mistakes and the slowest to start making the changes that are essential for peace to be established and to prevail on Earth.
Nevertheless, the many violent disagreements and conflicts that are occurring, and which are being brought constantly to your attention by the media, are having a most profound effect because practically everyone has become aware of the need for change, and so the governmental agencies are realizing that if they do not change their attitudes and their rhetoric they will be dissolved. That awareness is most definitely leading very rapidly to the implementation of numerous changes of a most uplifting nature.
Yes, humanity is most definitely awakening, so release your doubts and anxieties and renew your faith in Mother/Father/God by strengthening your intent to be only loving whatever arises. To do that is why you incarnated for your present human lifetimes, and everyone of you is precisely where you are meant to be to massively assist in humanity’s magnificent collective awakening process. You each do this by following your own very personal life paths with honesty and integrity as they unroll before you, and also, most importantly, by spending time daily just being. Just being, as you hold the intent to be loving whatever arises, is enormously powerful and effective, and is a major aspect of the life paths you all planned for yourselves – with major divine guidance – prior to your present incarnation into your human forms in order to be present on Earth for this momentous event.
Most of you get very little, if any, feedback on the enormous importance of your individual presence on Earth at this time. Therefore do not allow any feelings of personal unworthiness or insignificance – which are utterly invalid – distract you from the intent to follow your brilliantly planned human life paths, because what you are doing is absolutely essential. Every single human, with out any exceptions whatsoever, IS successfully following a life path that is helping the awakening process; that is effectively galvanizing the collective human field of consciousness toward its inevitable and unavoidable awakening. To awaken into Reality, into knowing yourselves and experiencing yourselves as you truly are – eternally and uninterruptedly at One with your divine and heavenly Source, Mother/Father/God – is your purpose, it is the purpose of every sentient being, because to live that experience is why you were created, and it is God’s only Will for you.
Nevertheless, many are presently extremely confused as they attempt to balance their inner spiritual faith/intuition with what appears to be an ongoing catastrophe on Planet Earth that is being caused by numerous human industrial activities, and greatly further aggravated by the ongoing international conflicts. The NEED to be RIGHT that is constantly demonstrated in so many places adds further fuel to the flames of disagreement that is intensifying humanity’s sense of separation from and abandonment by God – if there really was a loving God He would not permit the evil ones to wreak this ongoing havoc on our Planet and on humanity.
Therefore remind yourselves frequently that despite the seeming reality of your ongoing experiences of fear, pain, and suffering, that all of these experiences are completely unreal, and only seem real because of your choice to engage with them. The choice to assume human form and experience the unreality of separation, and all that apparently arises within that state, was a collective free will choice, and that free will choice will never be overridden because God – Who is Love without conditions, because that is what Love Is – created you equal in power to Himself in a state of Oneness with Himself, but also with total freedom to use your creative abilities as you wished.
El Amor, Madre/Padre/Dios, es la Una y única Realidad, y todo lo que Ella crea es creado en y desde el Amor. El único Hijo de Dios eligió, como el hijo pródigo en la parábola del Evangelio, reclamar su herencia y dejar el Hogar. Habiendo experimentado durante eones el terror y el horror de ese estado irreal, él, como colectivo humano, tomó la decisión de regresar a la Casa de su Padre con la esperanza de encontrar allí aceptación y perdón.
Pero Dios nunca lo ha juzgado, y nunca lo juzgará, por lo que no es necesario el perdón y, por supuesto, todo el experimento de eones nunca sucedió.
El Amor de Dios por Sus hijos es infinito, eterno e inmutable. Ella espera amorosamente tu regreso a la Realidad, tu Despertar de la pesadilla de la irrealidad, con intensa Alegría. Ella siempre supo que tu deseo de regresar era inevitable, y en el instante en que tomaste la decisión de separarte, instantáneamente te proporcionó el camino a Casa. Debido a la aparente realidad del estado de separación en el que se han visto envueltos, con frecuencia han perdido de vista, han perdido la conciencia del Amor infinito y eterno de Dios por ustedes. En consecuencia, te has llenado de tal miedo y culpa que, aunque has estado buscando el camino a Casa durante eones, lo has estado haciendo mientras lidiabas con un poderoso temor interno de encontrarte con la ira intensa con la que el ídolo que has creado a partir de tu vida. propio miedo, e imagina que Dios es,
Tenga la seguridad de que se ha preparado para todos ustedes una bienvenida excepcional y totalmente increíble. No es posible que puedas concebir el Gozo en el Cielo mientras esperamos, con la más ansiosa anticipación, tu inminente llegada/despertar. El Amor de Dios por ti, mientras lo experimentas plenamente, hará que tus mentes se abran de par en par a medida que la Alegría inconcebible fluya para llenar tus corazones cuando reconozcas finalmente y por completo la Verdad experiencial de tu Unidad con el Amor, la Fuente, Dios.
Tu amado hermano, Jesús.
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