Friday, October 7, 2022


The Tavistock Clinic is stationed in London and is directly involved with the British government and the House of Windsor.The United States Department of Defense and intelligence agencies are infiltrated by British Crown knights and Freemasons working for the British Crown. 

 Today, the Tavistock Institute is covertly involved with social networkings, the Tavistock Institute is covertly involved with socialS  sites, alternative media, and conspiracy forums to gather intel on members of society. Their goal is mass manipulation of society through social networking. David Rockefeller Jr. and the Rockefeller Foundation are involved in financing Tavistock agendas [whilst] the Russell, Parsons, Carnegie, and Spencer families in the United Kingdom are covert managers of the Tavistock Institute. The Tavistock Institute [also] works with MI6, as well as the American CIAd Control

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William is the Antichrist 666 British Royal Family Queen Funeral London UK NWO World Government King Charles Great Reset Agenda 2030 Collapse Economic Forum Davos Globalist Plan Nazi Racist Corporate Fascist Agenda 21 New Age New World Order Deep State Conspiracy Illuminati Freemason Satanic Knights Templar Cain Cainite SRA Pedogate Elite Bloodlines Reptilian Pedophiles Cannibals Dark Brandon

We are today witnessing the signs of all these things to come already, while the media wants to blame every end-time sign solely on "the greenhouse effect" instead of what is actually happening all around us spiritually. But during the rise of Occult/Satanic religions, racism, hate crimes, murders, wars, broken supply chains, economic collapse, disease-carrying "superbugs," new pestilences, increasing "once in a 1,000 year" natural disasters, megadroughts, flooding, "snowmageddons," unprecedented heat waves, volcanic eruptions, devastating wildfires, killer earthquakes, countless near earth asteroids and other signs from space, a faster spinning earth, energy shortages and grid breakdowns, increasing animal attacks, the corporate archons behind the globalist corporations and their grip on the media won't be informing you of the truth that God is warning mankind of the end of the age, but rather, they'll desperately attempt to convince you that it's all connected to "global warming," despite the fact global warming has NOTHING to do with events deep within the earth itself, events from space, and what else is coming far removed from earth's temperature. As it currently stands, "Climate change" is another purposed method of control to enforce their touted need for an impending global solution, of which they'll also certainly present (and are already alluding to). Globalists such as Klaus Schwab and others are becoming fixated with the need for global change increasingly toward one man, an 'Ecological Messiah,' as it were, to unite the planet and set its course in an entirely new direction. Within that, a disturbing countdown among the elites is underway in which 2030 holds what their vocal proxies are already warning would be a total collapse of the present system. This includes the release of several contagions that they themselves have weaponized and experimented with for decades in third world countries to test their genocidal effectiveness before releasing them globally in the remaining years before their faked "apocalypse" of 2030. In recent months, mankind has been suddenly plagued with not only Covid-19, but also Monkeypox, and now, Polio in short order that is starkly reminiscent of Christ speaking of worldwide pestilences as a sign of the era just before Antichrist's rise. As if initiating that ten-year window toward 2030, the "Crown Virus" (Corona-virus) had suddenly surfaced during New Year 2020. Now, several UK variants and UK-approved vaccines later, with each one we are told to fear more than the previous, how does no one see the corporate formula being presented? Enter virus to stoke fear. Enter vaccine as our only hope. Add variant, increase fear, blame unvaccinated. Rinse. Repeat. The last time a generation underwent that kind of fear-driven control, the Germans allowed Hitler to rise. What good comes out of fear + media control + mandates + censorship + hatred for the "others" who won't go along, and how is their "cancelling" not the digital version of modern book burnings? Then there's the wild card Trump's supporters bring, which on the one hand would agree government has lied to us regarding vaccines, etc., but because they see the government's only evil is the Democrat party itself, how could they not eventually turn into a literal Nazi party hellbent on murdering everyone they perceive as dissidents when they're already calling for open murder on everyone from "trans kids" to local and federal law enforcement, and when a great percentage of their base is already comprised of violent neo-Nazi's, Aryan Nations, KKK, and other fascist extremists? America is in rapid decline, with half the nation putting their full trust in a crude, whining, narcissistic, draft-dodging, megalomaniacal, racist who himself doesn't know how to act, and like his followers, has as his first inclination to act like a simple bully if anyone so much as points out his amazing ignorance on any given issue. But it's that same ignorance of his and his moronic followers that becomes dangerous, because not only are they being played by Trump and his handlers, they are armed to the teeth and are being brainwashed to kill like a gang of Manchurian Candidates. Look how fast the cult leader whipped up his sadistic cult into a bloodthirsty frenzy and wanting to kill federal agents in August 2022 for their merely taking back what belongs to the US Government - an event that was caused by Trump just so he could whine about a "raid on my beautiful home," when it was he who could have turned over those documents at any point when the government had been requesting them since May of 2021. In other words, Trump wanted the "raid" to happen to whip up his base to violence much like he did on January 6, 2021. Where Trump's MAGA pawns cannot see his or his corrupt inner circle ever being corrupt, despite all of the evidence both past and present pointing to exactly that, they too simplistically think the FBI search itself must then be corrupt when its beyond obvious that the proven tax-evading crook took documents - not his - to somehow benefit himself in one way or another. Therefore, just as Trump should be held accountable for all of what happened as a result of January 6th, 2021, so too should he be held personally responsible for what occurs by his armed syndicate after August 8, 2022. How easily those who never thought they could ever be persuaded to do so are acting exactly like the German people circa 1933-45, kissing Hitler's ass because of whatever self-serving lies he tells them, which begs a question. Since the occult rise of Hitler has obviously taught mankind nothing, can history repeat? through social networking. David Rockefeller Jr. and the Rockefeller Foundation are involved in financing Tavistock agendas [whilst] the Russell, Parsons, Carnegie, and Spencer families in the United Kingdom are covert managers of the Tavistock Institute. The Tavistock Institute [also] works with MI6, as well as the American CIA.

Tavistock Institute for Mind Control

Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William Antichrist Prince William is the Antichrist 666 British Royal Family Queen Funeral London UK NWO World Government King Charles Great Reset Agenda 2030 Collapse Economic Forum Davos Globalist Plan Nazi Racist Corporate Fascist Agenda 21 New Age New World Order Deep State Conspiracy Illuminati Freemason Satanic Knights Templar Cain Cainite SRA Pedogate Elite Bloodlines Reptilian Pedophiles Cannibals Dark Brandon

We are today witnessing the signs of all these things to come already, while the media wants to blame every end-time sign solely on "the greenhouse effect" instead of what is actually happening all around us spiritually. But during the rise of Occult/Satanic religions, racism, hate crimes, murders, wars, broken supply chains, economic collapse, disease-carrying "superbugs," new pestilences, increasing "once in a 1,000 year" natural disasters, megadroughts, flooding, "snowmageddons," unprecedented heat waves, volcanic eruptions, devastating wildfires, killer earthquakes, countless near earth asteroids and other signs from space, a faster spinning earth, energy shortages and grid breakdowns, increasing animal attacks, the corporate archons behind the globalist corporations and their grip on the media won't be informing you of the truth that God is warning mankind of the end of the age, but rather, they'll desperately attempt to convince you that it's all connected to "global warming," despite the fact global warming has NOTHING to do with events deep within the earth itself, events from space, and what else is coming far removed from earth's temperature. As it currently stands, "Climate change" is another purposed method of control to enforce their touted need for an impending global solution, of which they'll also certainly present (and are already alluding to). Globalists such as Klaus Schwab and others are becoming fixated with the need for global change increasingly toward one man, an 'Ecological Messiah,' as it were, to unite the planet and set its course in an entirely new direction. Within that, a disturbing countdown among the elites is underway in which 2030 holds what their vocal proxies are already warning would be a total collapse of the present system. This includes the release of several contagions that they themselves have weaponized and experimented with for decades in third world countries to test their genocidal effectiveness before releasing them globally in the remaining years before their faked "apocalypse" of 2030. In recent months, mankind has been suddenly plagued with not only Covid-19, but also Monkeypox, and now, Polio in short order that is starkly reminiscent of Christ speaking of worldwide pestilences as a sign of the era just before Antichrist's rise. As if initiating that ten-year window toward 2030, the "Crown Virus" (Corona-virus) had suddenly surfaced during New Year 2020. Now, several UK variants and UK-approved vaccines later, with each one we are told to fear more than the previous, how does no one see the corporate formula being presented? Enter virus to stoke fear. Enter vaccine as our only hope. Add variant, increase fear, blame unvaccinated. Rinse. Repeat. The last time a generation underwent that kind of fear-driven control, the Germans allowed Hitler to rise. What good comes out of fear + media control + mandates + censorship + hatred for the "others" who won't go along, and how is their "cancelling" not the digital version of modern book burnings? Then there's the wild card Trump's supporters bring, which on the one hand would agree government has lied to us regarding vaccines, etc., but because they see the government's only evil is the Democrat party itself, how could they not eventually turn into a literal Nazi party hellbent on murdering everyone they perceive as dissidents when they're already calling for open murder on everyone from "trans kids" to local and federal law enforcement, and when a great percentage of their base is already comprised of violent neo-Nazi's, Aryan Nations, KKK, and other fascist extremists? America is in rapid decline, with half the nation putting their full trust in a crude, whining, narcissistic, draft-dodging, megalomaniacal, racist who himself doesn't know how to act, and like his followers, has as his first inclination to act like a simple bully if anyone so much as points out his amazing ignorance on any given issue. But it's that same ignorance of his and his moronic followers that becomes dangerous, because not only are they being played by Trump and his handlers, they are armed to the teeth and are being brainwashed to kill like a gang of Manchurian Candidates. Look how fast the cult leader whipped up his sadistic cult into a bloodthirsty frenzy and wanting to kill federal agents in August 2022 for their merely taking back what belongs to the US Government - an event that was caused by Trump just so he could whine about a "raid on my beautiful home," when it was he who could have turned over those documents at any point when the government had been requesting them since May of 2021. In other words, Trump wanted the "raid" to happen to whip up his base to violence much like he did on January 6, 2021. Where Trump's MAGA pawns cannot see his or his corrupt inner circle ever being corrupt, despite all of the evidence both past and present pointing to exactly that, they too simplistically think the FBI search itself must then be corrupt when its beyond obvious that the proven tax-evading crook took documents - not his - to somehow benefit himself in one way or another. Therefore, just as Trump should be held accountable for all of what happened as a result of January 6th, 2021, so too should he be held personally responsible for what occurs by his armed syndicate after August 8, 2022. How easily those who never thought they could ever be persuaded to do so are acting exactly like the German people circa 1933-45, kissing Hitler's ass because of whatever self-serving lies he tells them, which begs a question. Since the occult rise of Hitler has obviously taught mankind nothing, can history repeat?

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