Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Putin exposes satanic elite class, while analyst warns of black swan market crash - Brighteon

Putin exposes satanic elite class, while analyst warns of black swan market crash

Today we bring you two important feature podcasts to consider. First, for today's podcast, Putin unleashes a series of truth bombshells by calling out the satanic influences and luciferian agenda of western elites.

This is why Russia won't back down: They are at war with the "Antichrist civilization" that left-wing socialists and Marxists have created for the western world.

Listen to that full podcast here.

Also today: Markets analyst and cycles expert Aaron Brickman joins me in a detailed interview to explore the convergence of multiple "black swans" that may indicate an epic stock market collapse is right around the corner.

In this interview, explains the historic patterns that are emerging right now, revealing why the next crash may be worse than 1929.

See that full interview here.

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