Saturday, October 8, 2022

✠ From Cain to Antichrist: The Royal Masonic Secret Exposed

✠ From Cain to Antichrist: The Royal Masonic Secret Exposed
Since the dawn of man, they have existed. Since Enoch, have they created the world's most infamous secret societies with such names as: The Order, the Council, the ancient Mystery Schools, the White Brotherhood, the Celtic Druids, the French Priory of Sion, the French Cathars, the French (and later, Scottish) Knights Templar, the British (and later American) Freemasons, the British Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, the British Ordo Templis Orientis, the Bavarian Illuminati, the German Rosicrucian's, the German Thule Society, the Occult-driven German National Socialists (Nazi's), the Anglo-American Skull and Bones, the American Bohemian Grove, where the ancient demon Molech is revered by influential politicians and Presidents, among many other such organizations connected to British and American Freemasonry and their increasingly pervasive global institutions. Thru the ages they have had a single malevolent goal toward global enslavement. Their plan is so diabolical in its intent, that the Bible itself warns us of it as early as Genesis 3:15, where God foretells of the epic war between Christ and Satan via the bloodlines that each would work thru to claim Zion as their own. Thus, there are two warring factions behind the spiritual veil that is daily leading this world toward the end of our present Second Earth Age and toward its inescapable Armageddon. Signs working toward that end are seen all around us currently, despite how one chooses to interpret them as just another "climate change" event. Despite whatever you currently believe, don't believe, or don't want to believe, there exists an entire race of Anglo-elitists who worship only Satan within ancient secret societies dedicated to his will, who have increasingly devised man's own ignorance as a tool toward dividing this world for their false 'god of light.' For myself, despite the factors of events that came to work against it, I have only sought the truth behind their sinister trade, and this is my report. In that, Freemasonry holds at least two levels of membership. There's the far older membership of those who created the Brotherhood, being born into one of its various occult bloodlines from which the Order was manufactured to empower their collective control, and those who merely join at their "local Lodge" to vainly be called "Freemasons," albeit in name only. One serves as the front window dressing for the other, while that other can work its noxious trade to great efficiency from behind a hidden veil. This is precisely why localized members very seldom become aware of they who influence not only their local Lodge from afar, but much of their nation's government from within. The same entrenched power rooted between London and Washington DC are behind mass depopulation efforts on the one hand, while consistently steering their faked "Christian" imperialism toward the kind of Godlessness that always involves the fostering of paganism, a one-world new order, insidious mind control, and resulting servitude to them by the unwitting masses on a global scale. While these same hidden controllers have proven to increasingly control every facet of our lives, their presence remains largely hidden under a self-protecting web of influence they've created, such as the Masonic devised 'Separation of Church and State,' where Satanic Witchcraft is allowed, even funded to flourish at present, while by the same measure, Christianity is to be further pushed toward the edge of extinction. In this website, you will discover that the American government actually serves a foreign power and that since its inception, has only sought to vainly appease its citizenry with the idealistic notion of "Christianity" and "freedom," when they're in fact slaves to a hidden autocracy controlling both the liberal and conservative media narratives toward destroying society itself, fulfilling the Masonic dream of Ordo ab Chao (Order out of Chaos). Question: How are American Christians perceived today in the post-Trump era? The despotic, cult-leadership of Donald Trump is not by accident, whose indoctrinated followers are increasingly incited to bring a destructive and violent coup against "Marxist/communist" liberals and democrats (read: their own countrymen) who, according to them, are no longer to be simply demonized and mocked, but captured and killed in accordance with 'The Plan.' Trump may not have ignited another endless foreign war, but what good is that when he has fanned the flames of a domestic one? Not surprisingly, the federal government including the citizen-spying NSA, as they did before 9-11 itself, knew exactly what lay in store for the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, but did absolutely nothing to curtail it before the fact. In fact, they allowed for it. Meanwhile, American society remains willingly ignorant of quite another fact that they who are accredited with originally establishing this nation did so under an entirely secular [read: Masonic] definition of "God" and were moreover fulfilling a Masonic destiny, not a Christian one. As such, their mentioning of "God" in their documents (circa the 1770's) was never intended to mean the Christian God of the Holy Bible. Thus, the questions of 'what do Freemasons believe?' and what is their eldest, generational leaders at its top in both London and Washington gaining in systematically tearing America apart? This is where every actual patriot or seeker of truth needs to begin...

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