Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Trump attorney Sidney Powell declares the Kraken was already RELEASED… and the results are just beginning to emerge

Trump attorney Sidney Powell declares the Kraken was already RELEASED… and the results are just beginning to emerge

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Image: Trump attorney Sidney Powell declares the Kraken was already RELEASED… and the results are just beginning to emerge

(Natural News) Something huge is going down in Washington D.C. and across the nation, regarding the massive, treasonous vote theft and election fraud carried out by the Democrat party in collusion with communist China.

We previously reported that Trump had replaced Mark Esper as Secretary of Defense, and he’s been cleaning house at the DoD, replacing swamp creatures with patriots who will defend America.

Simultaneously, Trump attorney Sidney Powell says the Kraken has been released. “You’re just beginning to see the signs,” she explains in a tweet:

What is the Kraken, exactly? We don’t know for sure, but there was an explosion in military air traffic over the last two days that has been documented by Monkey Werx (see below). Multiple sources have confirmed with us that a unit of the DoD did carry out a raid on Scytl servers in Frankfurt, Germany, gaining possession of irrefutable proof of treasonous vote rigging by the CIA.

Listen to my Daily News Update podcast from yesterday for more details on that:


We also have President Trump cleaning house at the DoD, removing not just Mark Esper but also removing and replacing many other officials, creating a pro-America contingent inside the Pentagon that could conceivably carry out mass arrest orders against domestic traitors (i.e. Democrats who tried to steal the election by conspiring with foreign enemies).

Here’s the latest interview from Sidney Powell as she joins Lou Dobbs on the Fox Business network. Here, she explains how the Democrats are caught red handed trying to steal the election:


We also have a video from Monkey Werx from last night, detailing the astonishing number of military aircraft in the air (over 1,000) yesterday and last night, including at least one flight from Washington D.C. to GITMO. Monkey Werks, an expert in monitoring air traffic patterns as a precursor to major political events, explained that he believed “airborne rendition” was likely taking place, which means treasonous actors are put onto airplanes and interrogated either mid-air or at various black sites across the country.

This is likely being used to interrogate and flip many high-level sources who are now realizing they either need to testify as witnesses for the government or end up in prison for life (or worse).

This X22 Report episode explains that the deep state took the bait and fell right into Trump’s trap. Trump has all the evidence against them that’s needed to take them down and defend America:

Attorney Lin Wood is also confident that the deep state will be defeated and that Biden will go to prison. Here’s the interview:

Here’s the full transcript of the Howie Carr / Lin Wood interview:

Howie Carr:
This morning I woke up and I was looking over the tweets, and I saw a tweet from L. Linwood. He’s a famous lawyer. We can get into some of the cases, he has had Nicholas Sandmann for instance, from Covington Catholic. He was involved in the Richard Jewell case while back. I think he represents Kyle Rittenhouse now and the Kenosha shooter who defended himself.

He’s working on the campaign on the challenges, and he put out a tweet at 2:35 this morning. “Time now to rest, comfortable in my belief that @realDonaldTrump won a historic landslide victory across nation on November 3rd.Be patient. Biden will never be president of our nation.To the contrary, Biden, along with many others, will be an inmate.Be patient.Trust Trump”.

Joining us now is Lin wood. Thank you for that encouraging tweet.That really improved my mood, and I’m sure hundreds of thousands, if not millions of other people this morning Linwood.

L. Linwood:
Well, thank you Howie, and it’s a pleasure to speak with you. That tweet was at 2:35 AM, and that not only speaks to I think the time and effort that I’ve been putting into this, but really it reflects almost round the clock efforts by members of the legal profession and ordinary people.People of this country that are determined, and not only uncover the truth but to expose the truth. When all is known, I am 100% confident that Donald Trump will be present in United States for four more years, and I’m just as confident that Joe Biden and the people like him that they’ve been trying to steal this election, and committed crimes for years. They’re gonna all go to jail.

Howie Carr:
What leads you to be so optimistic? I mean,there’s still time, but we’re coming up to the dates of the voter certification deadline start at about nine or 10 days from now. As you know it’s so hard to prove a ballot fraud, especially when they’ve been mingling the bad ballots with the good ballots to make it impossible for the law abiding part of the population to do anything about this. Why are you confident? What leads you to think we’re going to win?

L. Linwood:
I believe in we, the people. This was a well-planned, probably almost for two decades,attack to overthrow our government. What was itwell done in the sense of trying to hide the fault? Sure, but it was too massive. Donald Trump surprised even the enemy by the wide margins in which he won and the key states they had targeted to steal.

In the middle of the night, they started having to produce tens of thousands, in some cases, hundreds of thousands of fake paper ballots, they had shut that up with COVID.

Will this be resolved by the courts? Yes, but I don’t believe that it necessarily has to be resolved by the courts before the people in this country fully recognized by the irrefutable evidence that Joe Biden is illegitimate. His folks were fraudulent. He tried to steal this election and he failed.
The people of this country will actually do what the people in this country are supposed to do. The people will decide who the next president of United States will be. It will be confirmed by the courts in terms of the legality of the frog, but between now, and when all these deadlines come to pass.

The evidence that will be put out over time will convince any fair-minded and objective American, even many who did not support Trump, that there was a concerted calculated effort to steal our government and our freedom. Then the process, the record will show that they themselves killed many people in this country. These people are despicable. They’re criminals going forward. I’m confident there will be no more corruption in the White House. Donald Trump’s going to drain the swamp, stay tuned.

Howie Carr:
Now, are you working in a specific state or you just working onthe overall strategy?

L. Linwood:
I’m working specifically on a lawsuit that’ll be filed in Georgia, where the Georgia election will have to be deemed unlawful and void because the Democrats got the secretary of state in Georgia to enter into a consent settlement and litigation in March of this year, where the secretary of state substantively changed the rules of the election as they related to the absentee ballots.The law doesn’t allow the secretary of state to do that. It has tobe done in a federal election by the state legislature.

Howie Carr:
Right, like in Pennsylvania.

L. Linwood:
Just like in Pennsylvania, just along the same legal grounds as Justice Alito ruled when he separated the ballots. The state of Georgia will ultimately have to have the governor order, I believe, we’ll have to have the order, the government order, a special session of the legislature. They will recognize that the election was unlawful and illegal, that it is likely impossible without it taking a considerable length of time to show the level of the fraud and the real vote count. So that under those circumstances, the legislature will select and elect the electors. Those electors from the state of Georgia will vote for Donald J. Trump.

Howie Carr:
That’s the easiest way, and that’s the constitutional way to resolve this massive fraud, but do you –Linwood, do you really think the legislators in Georgia and the other States, all of which basically are, except for Nevada, are controlled by Republicans in both branches. Do you really think the legislators have the wholeness to do that?

L. Linwood:
Well, legislators or politicians, and most of these state politicians, they have to run for office within a couple of years. Whether they have the kahunas to do it or not, too many of them are in government because they want power, influence, and money. They’ll probably want to stay there. If they want to stay there, they’re going to follow the will of the people. The will of the people and this election was overwhelmingly to re-elect Donald J. Trump,President United States.

I am confident that President Trump won a historic landslide election. What you hear now in the media, it’s a lie. The media has been lying to this country as a propaganda tool for the people that were trying to overthrow our government for years. They groomed us, they played us, but you fooled us once, okay, you’re not going to fool the people of this country twice. We know what they’ve done now. They’ve been called in time. A lot of people are going to go to jail Howie.

Howie Carr:
Rudy Giuliani said today to Steve Bannon, that they have three whistleblowers from one of these software companies, that were supposedly involved in this on a multi-state level that have already come forward. Is that true, as far as you know?

L. Linwood:
Well, I know that there are whistleblowers. I think there’s probably going to be much more than three, but I can tell you that the evidence is going to be undisputed. That the Dominion voting machines were originally in Venezuela, paid for back Cuban money, and then found their way into this country in business relationships tied to George Soros and to the Clinton foundation.

It doesn’t take rocket science to figure out who’s behind the effort to overthrow our government. It’s the global elitist. It’s the criminals like the Clinton crime family and the country is going to find out there’s been a heavy involvement by China. We’re going to go through some difficult days and weeks ahead, but we’re going to prevail. Freedom’s going to reign, but it’s going to be difficult.

When it’s over, things in this country are going to return to the days of when we lived a fruitful life and we’d get rid of all the swamp, this swamp creatures who have used our government, used our taxpayers money to stick it in their own pockets. Like Joe Biden, like Bill Clinton, like Hillary Clinton, like Barack Obama,

Howie Carr:
Can this all be accomplished though, by December 14th when the electoral college meets.

L. Linwood:
Listen, the timing of all of this, I don’t know anything about. I’m sure this will proceed on the timing that our president sets forth. I would like to think that over the next several days, that we’ll learn increasingly more about the evidence that establishes the crimes that have been committed. That within a period of time, reasonable period of time, the evidence is going to have mounted up to a point where the people know what happened today will accept that it was a fault, a theft of our election, and then the people will demand justice and accountability. We’ve been waiting for that from the Jeffrey Epstein matter. We’ve been waiting for it from the John Durham matter. We’ve been waiting for it from the Hunter Biden laptop, Anthony Weiner laptop. We’ve been waiting for it now for the election theft and fraud. All of these things are going to be revealed. Every lie, Howie, every lie with time will be revealed.

Howie Carr:
I just hope it’s in time. I just hope there’s enough time to get everything out. There’s already polls out there run by the same people who said Joe Biden was going to win in a landslide that say over half the people in the country already believe that this was a fraudulent election but the mainstream media…

L. Linwood:
Yeah, those numbers will grow. Those numbers will grow.

Howie Carr:
The mainstream media, the people you’ve been suing, God bless you for doing it. They’re going to say, “Oh, it’s over. It’s over. What these guys — Linwood, and Howie Carr, and everybody who’s listening and watching them. They’re conspiracy theorists”.

L. Linwood:
Well, “its conspiracy theorist”, I’ve heard that phrase. I know what it was developed to do.To demean people who tell the truth, people who connect the dots. Don’t forget that one of the major corporates is one of the most corrupt organizations in the world, the CIA.Trust me, they’ve been in trying to corrupt this country since the 1950s.

President Eisenhower said, when he gave his last speech to the country before John F. Kennedy was inaugurated, that the greatest threat to this country was not external, it was internal. It was the military-industrial complex. When that’s uncovered, there’s going to be a lot of people in the CIA and the national security agencies. They’re going to be in jail too.

Let me give you some really, really, really good news. All of these corrupt people in the media that have served for money as the propaganda too, CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN, The Washington Post, New York Times, Atlantic Mother Jones, you named the list. They going to be destroyed too, because they will have no credibility at all. The days of watching the mainstream media are over because they’re going to be revealed as liars and they fell for it, but they didn’t really fall for it, they were part of it. They’re all going down Howie, were going to have a new day in America.

Howie Carr:
I hope so Linwood, but listen, we’re out of time but keep putting out those tweets in the early morning hours, something to cheer everybody up, who’s on.

L. Linwood:
I want everybody to feel better about this because it’s all going to end good, trust me.

Howie Carr:
All right Linwood, will you represent re Richard Hopkins, that postal carrier in Erie Pennsylvania. I think he wants to sue the Washington Post for making up that story about him today.

L. Linwood:
Well, I mean, he has to come to me. I don’t know that my practice would allow me, but I have a fight back foundation.


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