Tuesday, November 17, 2020

LENNON SPEAKS - Message from The Spirit of John Lennon - Caroline Oceana Ryan

Greetings, Beautiful Friend!

I'm happy to announce the upcoming release of a new book:


Releasing on Amazon
Tuesday, December 15

I’ve channeled the Collective since 2014, and your kind support and beautiful comments have encouraged me to keep on with it.

And I have at times wondered at times who else I might work with at some point.

Then in 2018, a friend who is an amazing psychic medium, in touch with the spirit of John Lennon and other musicians who have passed, told me, "John wants to work with you."  

Though Lennon has been a mentor to me and many others, I wondered if I was up to channeling him. But his work to establish Peace on the planet, and the idea of a Universal citizenship, in addition to his music, brings a message of steadiness in the face of the storm that is vital now. 

So I sat down to channel, asking John questions about many issues—his UFO encounter, the hidden history of this planet, how he treated women in his last Earth life, the truth about the tragedies that happen in the music business, what his work is now, and more. 

I let John know we need support now that so many are facing illness, job losses, evictions, or seeing loved ones suffer, in addition to all the other uncertainties.

He answered each question with compassion, humor, and sharp insight. He's still a live wire—that part hasn't changed.

Over time I recognized the Collective’s presence as well, and asked about it. John explained, “I work with them,” and said they were infusing the book with their energies.
And like the Collective in Earth Life Challenges, John speaks right to the issues.
I loved how honest and funny he is at times, as he mixes what we knew of him in his last well-known Earth life with spiritual realities, offering solid advice on how to feel stronger despite what’s happening around us.

This book is really a conversation among friends, so I hope you'll join usexcerpts coming soon! 

In the meantime, let’s pool our energies to bring miraculous courage and healing to the Earth and all Her beings now, as NESARA draws closer . . . 

Much Love and Light,

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