Friday, October 23, 2020

Rudolph Steiner - Swami Satchidanand

Rudolph Steiner

Rudolph Steiner was an Agent for the Trillionaires running an operation to degenerate humanity.

Miles Mathis proves the above statement in the article above, but in this section below he runs into the same problem so I’m positing that Miles himself is an Agent..

In 1894 Steiner published Philosophy of Spiritual Activity, which he later claimed was the groundwork for Anthroposophy. He called it the epistemological basis for all his later thinking. Meaning? Well, since this was all a thumbscrew, it means nothing. Was the Philosophy of Spiritual Activity the epistemological basis for his theory about gnomes and his theory that the heart did not pump blood? I guess so.

Here is a typical quote from the Wiki page on Philosophy of Spiritual Activity:

For Steiner, true morality, the highest good, is the universal mediated by the profoundly individual and situational; it depends upon our achieving freedom from both our inner drives and outer pressures. To achieve such free deeds, we must cultivate our moral imagination, our ability to imaginatively create ethically sound and practical solutions to new situations, in fact, to forge our own ethical principles and to transform these flexibly as needed - not in the service of our own egotistical purposes, but in the face of new demands and unique situations.

As you know, I was a philosophy major, graduating summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa. So you may think I am impressed by sentences like that. Nope. Those sentences have very little real content, but what content they have is false. Or, they are true in that Steiner did intend to say that, but false in that he was wrong. . . or more likely flipping you on purpose.

We cannot achieve freedom from our inner drives and should not wish to. Like our innate morality, our drives were installed on purpose, and nothing could be more useful to us than those drives.

Without them we would be marooned as well as entombed. What we need in this screwy world is not freedom from our inner drives, but freedom from those who would destroy them or cause them to malfunction.

Satchi.. Or Freedom from malfunctioning drives.

This is one question which Miles Mathis forgot to mention and this question is seminal!!

This is either because he is an Agent or because he is stupid or because he, like everyone on this Planet, has no solution to malfunctioning drives. And Miles is sort of like a super genius but that does not stop anyone being stupid through lack of experience, and he has no experience of the power of meditation.

For example highly intelligent IQ Logic is destroyed by GIGO.

Plug the wrong inputs into Logic, GI - Garbage In, then you always get GO - Garbage Out - GIGO.

This is a solution which only Energy Enhancement has the answer to. I mean you could even say that when Rudolph Steiner says, “freedom from our inner drives” he actually means freedom from our malfunctioning inner drives thus neutralizing Miles Mathis argument.

But Steiner didn’t actually say that and thus even Steiner had no solution to malfunctioning inner drives.

An inner drive which is totally gone makes a psychopath.

An inner drive which is partially blocked makes up the rest of humanity.

Only when the drive is not in any way blocked do we have a real human being - Enlightened - like the Buddha.

One inner drive is conscience.

Another inner drive is compassion.

A true Human being has a conscience, that, “Still small voice” which enters into sahasrara chakra from the spiritual chakras above the head which when followed proves that you are truly human. Anything less is a degenerated human being a human being who is not truly human.

A true Human being has a compassion, that, an ability to, “put yourself into the shoes of another” which enters into the heart chakra or center which when followed proves that you are truly human. Anything less is a degenerated human being a human being who is not truly human.


And we know that Rituals exist amongst the Illuminati, Satanists or Black Magicians which block off the function of chakras from spiritual influences, which cancel the inner drives of compassion and conscience, because we know that the Illuminati, Satanists or Black Magicians are a degenerated form of humanity because their evil rituals include, amongst many other evil Rituals, - Torture, Human Sacrifice, Castration and Burning alive.

And you cannot perform any of these Rituals if you have an inner drive of compassion or conscience functioning in any way, shape or form.

Their sacraments include..

1. “Lives for Satan”,

2. Necromantic Egregores constructed from the Souls of human beings tortured to death or burnt alive by people of the Spanish Inquisition like Torquemada. Tor – torture, quemada – burnt alive. Or by Jesuits like Stalin, Himmler and Hitler in the Death Camps during the Second World War.

3. The Principle of Poverty to dum down humanity, barefoot and back on the reservation.

4. Eugenics because, “humanity is a virus and we are the cure”, because there are just too many people, towards reducing human population from 8 billion to 500,000.

One such Ritual is the Removal of the Energy of the Heart by creating 12 Psychic Daggers or Energy Blockages and on an altar driving those daggers into the twelve petals of the Heart Chakra. Then removing the energy of the Heart and putting it into the heart of a sacrificed animal or sacrificed, murdered, human being. Then they take the sacrificed heart and put it into a Canopic jar – Ancient Egyptian Spiritual technology. Then they bury the Canopic jar in a Heart site in the countryside, cutting you off from the compassion of your heart.

Another such Ritual is the, “Cremation of Care” Ritual performed every year at Bohemian Grove in front of Billionaires, Trillionaires, Presidents of the United States, Politicians and Media figures. It involves the sacrificial burning the effigy of a human being on an Altar in front of a Forty Foot High stone statue of an Owl representing Molech. Some say they actually do this with real people. A burnt sacrificial offering to one of the Ancient Gods of Phoenicia. Really, this is the, “Cremation of Compassion” Ritual, cutting you off from the compassion of your heart.

Infiltrating Bloodline Phoenician/Jewish aristocratic Families have existed for over 5000 years before the Birth of Christ. Using emotional rhetorical religious concepts to control, they worship all the Pagan Gods, including Lucifer, Satan, Baal, Bel, Molech, Ashtoreth, Cybele and Attis. In this book we find that over thousands of years, spook, Bloodline Phoenician/Jewish aristocratic Families infiltrated every country, every Empire, taking over or infiltrating every ruling aristocracy and aristocratic, bloodline family, in Europe, Britain, America, India, China and in every other country in the World.

In a similar way, energy blockages are introduced into the Psychic Space above the highest head chakra – Sahasrara Chakra – cutting you off from the Soul, the first chakra above the head and all the infinity of chakras above the head ending in God, ending in conscience.

Thus these Rituals and thousands like them degenerate the inner drives of Conscience and Compassion in the Illuminati, Satanists or Black Magicians turning them into moral idiots, sociopaths, psychopaths, degenerating them and their inner drives, making them less than human, because truly, all the Illuminati, Satanists or Black Magicians are less than human.

The inner drives of conscience and compassion are what make people truly human and only the Energy Enhancement ability to remove those Psychic dagger energy blockages, or energy blockages above the head, created in this life or in past lifetimes, can bring back or sharpen up the inner drives of compassion and conscience.

No matter how much Psychiatrists and Miles Mathis talk about the deformation of inner drives by trauma, the death of a parent or separation from a parent when young, no amount of talking can affect the perversion of inner drives created by such dramatic events, or such evil rituals, or by mind control education in modern core syllabus schools.

I write about this in... Eliminating the Shadow.. In this book, Satchidanand trashes the greatest most intellectual investigators and descriptors of the Shadow and the Shadow Subpersonalities.

Great People - The Highest of All Humanity - Jordan Peterson, Carl Jung, Niezsche, and every Psychotherapy, Psychological therapist who can describe the problem of the Shadow, talk about the problem of the shadow but have no Practical solution to the Shadow. All of those guys Failed to Solve the Problem of the Shadow. None of these guys have Any practical solution for the Shadow.. And it is the Shadow Subpersonalities which is the Source, The Fount, of All Evil on this Planet... And the Source of All Evil within You!!

Carl Jung says.. “There is no generally effective technique for assimilating the shadow. It is more like diplomacy or statesmanship and it is always an individual matter. First one has to accept and take seriously the existence of the shadow. Second, one has to become aware of its qualities and intentions. This happens through conscientious attention to moods, fantasies and impulses. Third, a long process of negotiation is unavoidable.” (Carl Jung)

As Jung notes in the passage above, he thought there is no general technique to integrate the shadow, even though the Buddha and Jesus Christ exemplified the Ancient Meditation Technology which is the only means for removing the Shadow. For thousands of years great souls have come to earth to demonstrate otherwise, that enlightenment is, "Tat tvam asi" Thou art that!! You are a part of the Universe and have nothing more to seek.

Energy Enhancement Meditation including Level 1 Alchemical VITRIOL to Ground Pain and Trauma from Memories and the Energy Enhancement Level 2 Seven Step Process to remove Energy Blockages by Purifying them then Integrating them with the Soul to create ONE Soul Infused Personality creating Spiritual Insight – combined with psychological knowledge Energy Enhancement is THE complete way of processing and integrating your Shadow Side into wholeness.

Only the meditational ability to ground and transmute energy blockages in meditation can bring back the inner drives of compassion and conscience and defeat the moral idiot psychopaths created by energy blockage blocked inner drives of compassion and conscience..

And now Miles Mathis talks of Freedom versus Inner Drives or Morality..

Or, as I would say, “The freedom only to do the right and good thing”

Likewise, in a natural state, outer pressures would educate and sharpen our inner drives, making us smarter by the month. So we should not seek freedom from such outer pressures.

The only outer pressures we should seek freedom from are pressures manufactured by government, media, and academia, which again purposely try to destroy or subvert all healthy response.

But this is not what Steiner means. He wants you to think morality is far more creative, flexible, and complex than it actually is, since this will lead you to the Modern morass of relativism. But the truth is, morality is little more than an instinct. It is an instinct of all social creatures, which means we were born with it - (Except Psychopaths who are not born with morality being moral idiots created by energy blockages - Satchi).

As such, it must be consistent and non-creative. We don't imagine it into existence, any more than we imagine our bodies or desires into existence. Can birds creatively decide to fly north, south, east or west for the winter? No. They are programmed to fly south, and any other “decision” will doom them. Just so humans and their so-called morality.

Morality is not a function of freedom, or the reverse. They hardly come into contact. I am a great fan of freedom, but not from morality or from natural constraints on it. When I think of freedom, I think of freedom from unnatural constraints upon my natural desires, choices, and actions. But those constraints aren't moral, they are political, social, or economic constraints hiding behind the guise of moralism. To be even more direct, I have been held back my entire life, but not because I wanted to do anything immoral.

I have been squashed because I threatened the hegemony of those with less ability. They needed to keep me down because if I had progressed at a fair and natural rate, thousands of them would have crashed and burned. So they have had to manufacture a pseudo-morality to address that. According to that morality (Like Critical Race Theory for example Satchi), the fake progress of those thousands is more important than my real progress.

For them it is a matter of numbers, rather than quality. I understand that, but it isn't how Nature works. Nature determines the true morality, and contradicting her is like flying north for the winter: it begs doom.

Nature is blind to numbers. She commonly sacrifices thousands to find the one. She is ultimately interested in QUALITY (Enlightenment – Satchi).

I find this as hard to understand and deal with as you, as when the weaker kittens in a litter die. Honestly, I don't like it. I want them all to live. But I would like it less if the mother cat killed or neglected the stronger kittens in favor of the weaker. That would degenerate into something truly awful after a few generations, wouldn't it?

Well, that is precisely what is happening in human society right now. It reached fruition in the field of art first, which is why I am so familiar with it. The weak artists banded together and destroyed the strong, and now art is dead. It has been replaced by therapy and politics and money laundering. But it now continues apace in all fields.

(Here Miles Mathis is talking about the theme of the movie, "Idiocracy", but worry not. All managers, rulers, of society are cherry picked by the elite from high IQ elite Universities as in Kornbluth's book, "The Space Merchants" or in the movie, "Harrison Bergeron" with Sean Astin who played Sam in The Lord of the Rings - Satchidanand)

Steiner purposely garbling the concepts of morality and freedom in a book supposed to be about epistemology is a very bad sign. Epistemology is a theory of knowledge, mostly separate from ethics, so it has very little to do with freedom or morality. If morality is uncreative, epistemology is even less so.

The human mind works in specific and limited ways, and we can't choose to change that. I don't see any freedom there at all. (“The freedom only to do the right and good thing” – Satchidanand)

Is a dog free to think like a porpoise, or a porpoise to think like a mollusk? No. Our epistemology, whatever it is, is set, and we can only discover what it is. We gain knowledge in a certain way, and in no other ways. Any theory of knowledge is good only insofar as it is true, and that truth is not flexible. If the theory is right, then it is useful; if it is wrong, it is useless. So freedom doesn't come into the question at all.

But Steiner utterly ignores that:

He proposes (1) that through introspective observation we can become conscious of the motivations of our actions, and (2) that the sole possibility of human freedom, if it exists at all, must be sought in an awareness of the motives of our actions.

Is that true? Is freedom mainly a function of our awareness of the motives of our actions? No, because freedom isn't defined with regard to an isolated individual. Freedom is a relationship the individual has to society. Individuals don't normally limit themselves; they are limited by others. So, as we have seen before, Steiner is recommending navel gazing to prevent you from seeing the truth.

Like all these other spooks, he wants you to think you are limiting your own freedom due to some sort of neuroticism, inner blocking, or lack of self awareness. When the truth is you are being limited by a society purposely set up to limit you. You have been put into a tiny cage, then been told you created your own cage due to fear or self-loathing. But that simply isn't true. You didn't build that cage, any more than the monkey at the zoo or the rabbit in the lab built his.

Studying the motives for your actions is pretty much feckless, because as long as you ignore the outside world, you will always misinterpret those motives. Following Steiner and his ilk, you will find some way to blame yourself for your actions, since they have planted all sorts of fake motives in your head to confuse you.

In Modern society, the motives for most of your actions don't come from within anyway. Meaning, you didn't just decide to do whatever you did for internal reasons. Almost always you were reacting to input, which means the motives came from outside your head. You are not moving so much as being moved, so all motive is external. But Steiner has to keep you as far away from that realization as possible, since that would draw your attention to the real motivators. That is to say, the real criminals.

So, as usual, these people have set up a wild goose chase for you, but this time it is inside your own head. You are sent inside to study your own motives. Yes, on some very limited interpersonal questions that might help.

You might ask yourself why you said X to your lover, for instance. You might have thought in the moment it was because she said Y, but on further reflection you came to see it was because she did Z yesterday or last year, or because your mother did W when you were a child. But does that have anything to do with capital-F freedom? No. It has to do with becoming a better lover or friend, and a more stable person, but almost nothing to do with freedom. It also has almost nothing to do with morality, since it is not immoral to make a mistake about motives. It is ignorant and leads to confusion, but it isn't immoral. The added clarity will make your life easier, and make things easier for all those around you, but it won't make you any more or less evil. That new clarity may also make it easier for you to steal candy from babies, if that is your thing.

Say you develop a perfect understanding of your motives: does that tell us anything about your level of freedom or morality? No. Satan may have a perfect understanding of his motives, but he may not wish to change them, or be able to, in which case it is all a wash.

(As I said previously, understanding your motives can only make you want to change but it does not give you the ability to change. And as Miles Mathis said above, “Satan may have a perfect understanding of his motives, but he may not wish to change them, or be able to, in which case it is all a wash”. Notice.. Miles Mathis denies the ability to change. Rudolph Steiner provides poor techniques for change. Only the meditational ability to ground and transmute energy blockages in meditation can bring back the inner drives of compassion and conscience and defeat the moral idiots of psychopathy or the conflicted rest of humanity, as energy blockage blocked inner drives of compassion and conscience.. - Satchidanand)

As you see, it is not your knowledge of your motives that matters. It is the quality of those motives that matters. If your motives are good, then you are set. If they are bad, knowing they are bad probably won't help you. Yes, you are free to change those motives, and I don't deny it, but you probably knew that without any self-reflection at all. Meaning, you didn't need to climb in your head and question all your motives, did you? You only had to look at your actions. If those actions are bad, you know there is a problem without discussing motives. You can just assume your motives are bad. How about just skip a step and change your actions? Then you can say your motive was changing your actions to make them better. A lot of people aren't cerebral enough to climb in their own heads and start fishing

around for motives. Their only hope is to change the actions, knowing the actions will automatically cleanse the motives. Actions are primary, and that is the way it really works.

But the Phoenicians don't want you to realize that. They want to psychologize everything, making everything too complex for normal people to penetrate. They want you to think everything requires a 12-step program and years of therapy, when all it takes is a reverse action. If moving left isn't working or is clearly wrong, try moving right.

For most people, anything that requires going inside their own head or reading an 1,100-page book on epistemology isn't going to get done, ever. Which is why these people like Steiner write 1,100-page books on epistemology or ethics. . . and why I don't. Their jobs are to keep you confused, while my job —as I see it—is to air you out.

Yes, I write a lot, giving you lots to read if you want to, but my output is as far away from theirs in style and content as possible. My output never resembles a philosophy book or a self-help book.

As far as philosophy goes, they seem to think epistemology is very interesting and pertinent, but I don't. They think a theory of mind is very important, but I don't. They want you to think going inside your head and figuring out how you tick is going to solve your problems, but I don't think that it is. Yes, those questions are fascinating in limited ways, but answering them won't help you figure out your mess.

That is because, as I have proved in thousands of papers, your mess doesn't come from within. You are swimming in a huge sea of garbage dumped on your head by others, on purpose, so job one existentially and experientially is coming to understand that. Once you understand that, you can 1) stop beating yourself up for your “failures”, 2) start cleaning up your environs. You can refuse the garbage deliveries, and if enough other people wake up, you can band together and outlaw the production of the garbage in the first place.

Satchidanand - As I said previously, understanding your motives and your bad actions can only make you want to change but it does not give you the ability to change. And as Miles Mathis said above, “Satan may have a perfect understanding of his motives, but he may not wish to change them, or be able to, in which case it is all a wash”. Notice.. Miles Mathis denies the ability to change and I deny the ability to change actions on the same basis because change mind and change actions are really the same thing.


Looking at your actions can only provide you with the motivation to change..

Only the Energy Enhancement meditational ability to ground and transmute energy blockages in meditation can bring back the inner drives of compassion and conscience and defeat the moral idiot psychopaths and the conflicted rest of humanity by healing Energy Enhancement Meditation on energy blockage blocked inner drives of compassion and conscience..

The Energy Enhancement Quantum Immortality Streaming Video Course and Exotic Energy Enhancement Retreats Live at Iguazu Falls..

Exotic Meditation Holidays in Iguazu

Iguazu Falls

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