Sunday, August 9, 2020

The Reason for this Embodiment

The Reason for this Embodiment
The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie

Dear Arcturian,
Do you have a message to share with us today?

Yes, we the Arcturians, as well as all of your Galactic Family, always have something to share with our brave Family who has chosen to wear an Earth Vessel within this NOW. 

In fact, we the Arcturians, as well as the Pleiadians, Antarians, Lemurians and Venusians, are all working together as ONE Being in order to assist our beloved planet Gaia, also known as Earth, to move into the higher and higher frequencies of reality.

Of course, most of you have heard of the saying, "The Darkest night is just before dawn!" This saying has never been more true than within your NOW on Gaia's Earth. Fortunately, more and more "humans" are beginning to have dreams about Starship, visions of Star Beings, and some humans are even beginning to remember BEING on a Starship.

Of course, as soon as our "Grounded Ones," which is the term we give to our courageous Galactic Family Members who have, and/or soon will, volunteer to take a human earth vessel during this NOW of great planetary transmutation.

We say "planetary transmutation" rather than "planetary change," because the terms "change" and "transmutation" mean very different things. "Change" means that somethings and/or many things will change in an unknown fashion. 

On the other hand, "Transmutation" means that this change will allow Gaia, and all Her inhabitants, to have the choice to remember how to "transmute" them selves into a higher frequency of form, matter, brain power, acceptance, knowing and being. 

In fact, when the third dimensional beings on Gaia, now known as humans, begin their process of transmuting their third and fourth dimensional forms into their fifth dimensional forms, everything will change.

For one thing, eventually, humanities innate, but not yet experienced, fifth dimensional form, will return. It is within that NOW that humanity will begin to remember, and then, return back to, their Galactic, Multidimensional SELF. 

It is then that EVERYTHING will be different. 

For one thing, third dimensional "time" will not be the same in the higher frequencies of reality. We, the Galactics, know that many of our "earthly grounded ones" are becoming more and more aware of how their perception of reality changes with their state of consciousness. For example, when they are in a "good mood" and are doing something that they enjoy, time seems to "fly" by.

On the other hand, when humans are doing something that they do NOT enjoy, "time seems to go slower and slower." In fact, they may even "lose track of time," because they are NOT enjoying what they redoing and want to stop doing it.

On the other hand, when humans are deeply enjoying what they are doing, where they are, and/or who they are with, time "quickly flies by." In fact one may be surprised to see how much "time" has passed. However, it is not the time that has made their perceptual shift. In was what they were doing with that time that made their perception of reality, change. 

Another thing that influences your perception of time is your "state of consciousness." For those of you who meditate, read, paint, and have remembered that your own Higher SELF is calling you, time seems to expand, as well as your awareness of what is going on beyond the limitations of the third dimension., 

For one thing, you may feel very different from others who are NOT having those experiences. In fact, many humans are still deeply grounded in the third dimensional "HERE and NOW." However, you can step out of one version of reality and into a different version of reality by changing your state of consciousness. 

Then your thoughts and emotions will resonate to that "state of consciousness." For example, you may be having a wonderful time, and having a very high state of consciousness. Then suddenly, something happens which frightens you, angers you or lowers your state of consciousness.

It is then that you may begin to plummet deeper and deeper the uncomfortable emotions of fear, anger, impatience and sorrow. Can you stop this sense of "feeling out of control? " Yes, you can, especially if you have developed a conscious relationship with your own Higher Dimensional SELF. 

This Higher Self is actually, not just your self, but the frequency of consciousness that you have allowed to dwell in your thoughts, emotions, activities and even dreams. Yes, you can remember, your dreams best if you write them down. If you write down, or type, or even tell someone about your dreams, they will no longer be a secret, but instead they become an important manner in which you can speak to your own SELF. 

When you write down your dreams, you can better keep your "state of consciousness" within your awareness. Also, when, and if you make a conscious choice to be the Master of our Mind, then you can go inside your "mind" to bring forth the information that you need to have in order to successfully meet each challenge.

When you feel that you have "met a challenge" an empowered and a self loving sensation sweeps into your heart and mind. This is when your heart and mind can best communicate with each other and with the YOU who is (hopefully) the Masters of your Life.

As your sense of "SELF Mastery" becomes more and more present within your "Sense of SELF" Happiness and SELF MASTERY can meet with PURPOSE AND JOY! 

When you feel joyful, it is easier for your to remember your "reason for incarnation," and to even "believe that you can and will fulfill the promise that you made with your Higher SELF before you took this embodiment!

Blessings to you all
Most of all, we ask you to remember that:

Who has Chosen to take a earth vessel during this NOW 
to assist dear Gaia with Her PLANETARY ASCENSION!

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