Friday, December 11, 2020

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, December 11, 2020

The troubles of the world continue and seem never ending, yet as time passes so the aspects of life that need uplifting become clearer. You cannot expect to continue as before as you had become caught in a vice like grip of the old energies, and it was holding back opportunities to move into a more acceptable and agreeable way of living. It has not taken very long for the frailties of your old ways to be recognised and it is realised now that much of what you have taken for granted must change, It has to so that you can lay down the basis of a New Age that can be developed to give you a more acceptable way of living.

On the universal level you are a small cog in a big wheel, but are playing an important role by giving those souls who lag behind an opportunity to rise up and recognise that they are wonderful beings of Light. At this time they are slowly awakening through the higher energies that are reaching Mother Earth, as she enters a new area in the Universe. It is vibrating quicker than before and those souls of a lower vibration are experiencing problems accepting and integrating with it as they cannot harmonise with such a high energy. Before it becomes unbearable they will move to another planet where they are suited to its lower vibrations and can continue their evolution. This is the biblical time referred to in the bible when the “wheat is separated from the chaff”

Some souls will find it disconcerting that families and friends can be parted in such circumstances, but bear in mind that very few remain together for long periods of time. In general terms some will choose to simply reincarnate with those who can give them the experience they need to continue their evolution. In future times you will find that you become a very independent soul moving instantly from one place to another through your power of thought. Many souls choose to stay in groups where they are of like minds and travel the highways and byways of Space seeking other forms of life from which they learn more about universal life. After all you are actually Space Beings who desire to learn more about other forms of life that exist throughout the Universe. Understand that Space travel is far removed from your ideas of what it is, although you have advanced to some extent but it is all kept secret and used by the dark Ones.

As you evolve you begin to comprehend the greater Truth about life that is so abundant throughout the Universe. You have been isolated upon Earth for eons of time so that you could grow at your own pace without interference, Of course you do get guidance and a helping hand to ensure you continue evolving, as that is the whole point of your experiences. Now that many of you have lifted up your vibrations you are now ready to prepare for a more expansive life amongst the stars. However, there is still preparation to be made but at least you will be on the right path to becoming a Galactic Being. It is a long journey from being Hell on Earth to Heaven on Earth but you have all eternity in which to make it in.

You are beginning to understand the power of thought and realise that what you concentrate or focus upon can become your reality, and it will grow all the stronger as you slowly enter the areas of Space where the vibrations are higher. It is all part of your expansion of consciousness that eventually enables you to create through your power of thought. With it clearly comes a great responsibility to use it only for positive purposes. However, souls of a low evolution do not have the full extent of freedom to do as they wish, but need constant guidance to experience according to their needs rather than what they wish for unless it is beneficial to them.

The idea of becoming a higher Being no doubt sounds desirable, but with it comes a great responsibility to use your powers with great care. You should find it relatively easier than you may think, because with an expanded consciousness comes a natural sense of fairness and responsibility. Even now you are advised to be careful what you wish for, as you may set the wheels in motion that will lead to fulfilment. It is a hard concept to adhere to but try to allow for all things to develop naturally and not forced, and most important have patience as humans tend to want everything at once.

There are a number of prophecies for the immediate period and they point to a great awakening that is expected shortly, certainly it is the ideal time to help humanity to collectively take a great step forward to firmly step into a higher level of vibration. You are entering a gamma ray that will bring changes into being so be prepared to accept that major changes are inevitable. It will all be for the good of humanity as you have earned the reward for your efforts to pass the marker. Matters are not as muddled as you may think as you cannot see the overall effect of what has happened because of Covid19. You do not have long to wait before matters become clearer and then you will see what has been hidden revealed.

We can sense your frustration and weariness after months of stress and worry, but it has been unavoidable and eventually you will understand the problems in carrying out such a big change in your lives. The good news is that the Illuminati are no longer the power that they used to be and they will never give up their ambitions to greatly reduce the Earth’s population, They have been thwarted at every level with the help of the Forces of Light.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

 Mike Quinsey.

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